Invite A Wolf Into The House
A poor vampire found a child'. It's the nephew of a rich werewolf. They start to live together. People hate that they're clothe. A bitch woman try to separate them. The dad is a pure piece of shit'. The kid's mom aka the sister is the worst mom but she ships them? The vampire happens to be the crown prince but he gives it up. cute overall
Kedamono Arashi
Not officially an omega verse but an omergaverse. Basically no substance even tho it could have been interesting that one was a doctor. Bref c'est bof quoi mais le bébé est trop mignon
Rabbits Ejaculate in 3 Seconds
Removed one star because Lyle has trouble stopping when asked to
Bittersweet Howling
What a fucked up pair The beginner was awful like their first meeting one is coming to kill the other but ended getting raped by him in almost animal form. They bond as the imy plot to kill the top's father... Who end up dying in front of them anyway The art changing drastically is confusing too Oh and bottom came out of prison and was struggling to provide for his sister
My Purrfect Boss!