My Master
Some of it made no sense. What's the point of reveling the prince own a casino. They didn't explain why it's important. didn't the prince know all along that the only way for them to be together wzs to give up the throne? Was the dad arrested? what does the prince do now? the plot twist when he explained that he wanted them to stay together but not in a romantic relationship made no sense.
Will the roasted beans sprout?
Omegaverse but looks more interesting since the role aren't as conventional À real love triangle as in A loves O, O loves B and B loves A but A start to have feeling for B and B start dating O Chap 55. Both alpha and omega are horrible ppl to the beta. He deserve better Chap 63 the omega is such a asshole
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
Beautiful story. I love the bond of the young master and their butler. Love all around. Crying in the club
Exclusive No-Love Zone