Hanbun Ageru
Shiraki situation will count as 'being sold by his mom and got rape' bc he still in the middle school when all that happen even though he didn't resist much but deep down he hate all those thing that happened to him. But lastly in his love life I never imagined he'll be topping Kurosawa. If he becomes bottom at least the possibility of the trauma might gone bc u can tell the difference between love, willingness and not. But to be top hmmm maybe I put too much imagination.. Also in this story they keep on saying 'sorry' again and again which make me feel kinda turn off
Tasogare Outfocus Overlap
Maid for Hire
The plot gotta be a bit drag on bc of 2 ppl with mental illness, which everyone around them dont even care to brought these 2 go see a psychiatrist. Btw still like the Mc, she's strong and never back off (that said but she once back off duhh, but that bc of confusion so it understandable) It's free on Webtoon until 28 Nov 2024
Ijiwaru Shujin no Mitsugi ni Torokeru
He has a better story than his younger bother though
We'll Get Our Happy Ending