Omega Complex
Choi Taekyum x Lee Yoonwoo -04/08/23 9:56 Ch. 41 (End)
Dragon Making Love
Woonwoo x Jung Choi Finished Reading: 6/14/22 9:02 PM ANOTHER GOOD STORY THAT I PUCKED UP!!!️️ It's just like "It's Not Like That" that I just read before this, which is surprisingly funny and with likable characters. I really love the dynamics of the two especially Jung, he's upfront with his feelings and doesn't shy away from it. Even though this is a funny manwha IT ALSSO MADE ME BAWL MY EYES OUT THROUGHOUT THE STORY. THE FIRST ONE WAS ABOUT PEANUT THE DOGGO, SECOND ONE WAS THE STONE STATUE, THIRD IS THE KITTY AND LAST BUN NOT THE LEAST IS THE ENDING OF THE STORY!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS
On or Off
Kang Daehyun x Ahn Yiyoung Finished Reading: 06/15/22, 7:37 PM AFTER PUTTING READING THIS ON AND FOR FOR YEARS, I'VE FINALLY READ IT IT'S SOOOO GOOOD!! I'VE FINISHED IT!!! I DON'T WANT IT TO END!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I'VE ONLY READ THIS GEM NOW AFTER I HAD PLANNED ON READING THIS BEFORE!! BUT THINKING ABOUT IT I SHOULD BE GLAD BECAUSE I WAS ABLE TO BINGE READ IT AND I WOULDN'T NEED TO WAIT UPDATES IF I READ IT DURING THE TIME THIS WAS STILL ONGOING. Damn! I don't know where to start! There's so many good things in this story, I don't know if I'll be able to write it all. First Yiyoung, at the beginning I cannot believe I always got tricked into thinking that his silly and embarrassing daydreaming are real events Edit: fuck I already wrote alot before this but didn't get saved, seems like there's a limit no because this manhwa is THAT bitch. SHE IS THE MOMENT. THE VISION. the art style is so unique and I adore the colouring. directior kang and yiyoung are soo!!! AAHHHH!! the build up, the drama, the reconciliation, the way they truly love and care for each other is so…!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. It was so refreshing to see a couple actually act like they adored each other :(( their sex scenes were absolutely Chefs Kiss MWAH. god I could really talk forever about how much I love this manhwa. fave fave FAVE!!!
Your Dream Is Delicious
Yi Kui x Lin You 06/21/22 9:00PM (Ch.67) CUUTEEEEE 03/23/23 3:08 PM Ch.97 - WHAT?! THIS CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD! THE MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED. But if you think about it everything is resolved anyway so.. 04/22/23 2:47 AM - Mann ! The side story is soo good ITS SADDD!!! And I just Finished watching Suzume 05/04/23 6:23 PM Ch.104(LastCh) - NOOOOOO I OFFICIALLY FINISHED READING!!! THAT SIDE STORY IS ACTUALLY THE BEGINNING OF THEIR STORYYYY IT'S SO FUCKING HEARTBREAKING
Perfect Buddy
06/25/22 9:55PM (Ch.42) Baek Youngchan x Seo Hyunsoo 2/28/24 1:15 AM (Ch.87) - MANNN THIS WAS SOOO GOOD Its better than I remember! -I reread this and its totally it different from how I remember it. What I remembered on the chapter I last read which was on season 2 was that they already got together, that's why I'm surprised to know that in actuality they're not together yet and it took those twoo actually just Youngchan to finally admit that he likes Hyunsoo tho that's just to himself Now I GOTTA WAIT FOR THE UPDATES ~ Just gotta comment about Youngchan' water bottle dick tho ITS GINORMOUSSSSSLY BIGG! WHAT A KILLER DICK! ~ The sex is Mar.2, 2024 °Ch.88 - FINALLY Hyunsoo is aware of his feelings and admits he's scared because he likes Youngchan' too much - I hate myself really, I just read this just a few days ago and I already forgot what happened in the latest chap. (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ━┻ 03/24/24 5:35 AM Ch 90 S3 Finale ~ SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UPP YOU CANT END THE SEASON WITH BAEK YOUNGCHAN FINALLY CONFESSING ┻┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵┻┻ THAT'S SOOO FUCKING FOUL!! AND I WHY DID I JUST FUCKIN LEARNED RIGHT NOW THAT THIS ACTUALLY HAS A NOVEL!?!?!
Half Goblin
Joo Hee-Eon x Yeohun 06/30/22 12:45 AM (Ch.15) YEOHUN IS SOOO FUCKIN ADORSBLEE
Where the Wind Stays
Tasara x Nara Finished: 07/09/22 2:48 PM
Don’t Say You Love Me