2to1mouthcockratio's manga / #Ghosts(2)

Moonmade Child

Ongoing | ohnyun | 2019 released
2023-04-04 06:19 marked

shipping the mc and that one shaman guy. finished 13 waiting for 14

The Art of Taming A Tiger

Complete | Kom | 2019 released
2023-08-07 12:18 marked

really cute. art is good, story is good. loved the execution of them falling in love, like it wasn’t a slow burn with misunderstandings but rather straightforward as soon as they realized how they felt about each other, which isn’t often seen (at least in the media i consume). but at the same time it didn’t feel rushed, like it was meant to happen that way. ofc other executions would’ve worked but this was pretty refreshing. would’ve liked some smut, but you can’t have it all ig. 10/10 would recommend