2to1mouthcockratio's manga / #Gaming(2)

Be Frank and Strict

Ongoing | 阿阮有酒,长佩文学 | 2019 released
2023-03-30 00:56 marked

low key sexist. has a lot of stereotypes about women. TW online dating TW discord mod behavior TW catfish the concept isn’t all that great but like it’s not downright bad. the characters are cringy but not dislikable, just resembling genshin players. I like the art but i don’t like the mc design. in total honesty if i could forget about this experience and move on i’d do so, but now i’m somewhat curious to see how it’ll go so i’ll continue reading. wouldn’t rate it anything lower than a 5/10 but no higher than a 7/10

How did I End Up with a Boyfriend While Gaming?

Ongoing | 伊依以翼,漫神共创 | 2019 released
2023-05-27 16:38 marked

surprisingly good (thought it’d be like one of those virtual reality games). it’s really cute and i’m loving the characters, however the cluelessness of the brown haired guy is beyond belief. the story's good, really enjoying the concept and art. plus that one panel were we got a shot of black haired guy showering