2to1mouthcockratio's manga / #Debt(1)

Limited Run

Complete | Eeej | 2019 released
2023-08-27 21:12 marked

yk what i was really into and am still into it but i’ve gotta say i really don’t like the top. like our mc was sexually assaulted twice and both times the tops response was “how dare you whore yourself out, you deserve to be punished” then proceeds to rape the mc. like he’s playing with the mc’s feelings by being like “our relationship is just business, you have something i need and i have no reason to be mean to you” but then proceeds to be mean to the mc and go beyond just being nice for their business arrangement. idk he pisses me off especially in the later chapters otherwise, the art is good and storyline is solid. 9/10. main issue is again, the top