Suijin no Hanayome
....... Shoulda shown the life with Suijin-sama in the modern world =3= That is LITERALLY IT! T_T
Kiraide Isasete
When I found this again, I was SO happy, I recognized it immediately and you will too. Great treat. Nice positive message about the secondary genders (lol) and so damn much CONSENT!!! There was no rape from the partner, unfortunately in the past, though. But it was a beautiful story and I really feel like having the childnren there fit in well, which is unusual for me. None of that "Quiet, kyah~ Th-they might hear us~~" either, so thank God. But yeah. Uke was a basic character, but their strong convictions about Alphas made them interesting and stand bold in the story. They were a wonderful YP. Also, the actions of the Seme were phenomenal and made his character stand very clear against the story, too. The side cast were all wonderful, from the janitor, to the mother and the mother-in-law. Now, Yui (first, female antagonist who was just annoying) was.... just anoying. They could have done her better, but it was a relief when she was finally out of the picture and I GUESS I can forgive her, but as I said, she just really wasn't done well for that. Anyway, the first arc was the most fun XDXD (Vol 1) Since as it shows their relationship grow as the backdrop, the foreground was full of vibrant detail in the characters!! How the Seme defended the Uke from his own instincts, exactly how the Uke treated Alphas, how the Uke slowly had to face the truth about Alphas and just (/≧▽≦)/ MMMM, loved it XDXDXD anyway, I liked how everything was interwoven INTO the romance, but there was clearly so much more- like the trauma from a rape and the hate for Alphas and the Alpha dealing with this issue being thrown at them and the KID!!! It was all done on the backdrop of the romance, but heavily tied in it, because none of this would be as important WITHOUT the romance, so it was trully, done amazingly well in that way, balancing their worth juuuust right~ It was just a great yaoi and it was with a drama that I could take. BUTTTT It did have a miserable vibe at times (^.^") From the meet and greet, from the rape memory (but that is completely understandable, duh) The firstborn girl wasn't the happiest place to be a lot of times, either (Probably related to the former point) But the happy places were cool! Like the school for the Alpha.... and....... Yeah, the school was nice XDXDXD that's about it, but it was fun!
A Thousand Cranes
Disclaimer. This story is a four because it felt right and satisfied me on a few levels, despite having two messed up leads, because they ended up in a healthy relationship. This story did not get me excited or pumped up or turn me into a fangirl at all. Okay. This story was the first one in which I was SATISFIED with the relationship of the lead coule, despite them being messed up. It felt accurate and right. It lined up with what I was believing. The relationship turned into a "salvation" for them both and I respect that, BECAUSE the Seme here was like "Him being my salvation relies on him simply being there. Nothing more, nothing less. Wether I take that savlation is my own decision." And that's probably not the exact quote, but it was PERFECT because she was acknowledging so much in that quote I just- MHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHGGGGHHGHGHHHGGGGMMMMM So Yeah, that satisfied me. Then the Uke. The way he used the rich guy was incredible XD He kinda didn't use him for everything, which I totally would have, but it's cool, I liked the boundaries this guy had even though I disagreed with them. So anyway, he also relied on the Seme in the right moments in regards to his sister, Theo being in danger. So kudos to him~ Also also, they were like, super healthy and the Uke was aware when the Seme could have been into him and that was great. The sex was cool (even though it was smut and was clearly unrealistic, the way they built up to it felt okay, so I decided to call it sex here) And though it was a shame that in the ending the dreams had been getting worse (you'll get what I mean) the dreams were supposedly dealt with and made better in the extra or something, so that's cool. BUT they could have really really done that so much better, with so much more spice and effort and careful building-up, but whatever. Anyway, this is for a rr when I need to figure out how to manke things spicy. Because this one felt not-wrong, but there was no spice.
Kitaru Harekake no Ashita yo
Rubbish collectors are the main characters of this story.... AND IT HIT DIFFERENT! The grandpa had like, a page to his name, but those four to five pannels were LIFE! Love that guy <3 He's probably a fave character of mine from here, lol, as well as that other, younger kid, who woke up from his wheelchair with the family that threw our Seme away. Anyway, the story took a while to connect to me, I think I got to around the third or second chapter when I actually began to get attatched to the story, because I didn't really feel the whole "Your heart is broken and you're waiting for me to fix it" thing, which is funny, because I guess that seems like a story I'd connect to, but I didn't really until they showed how cool the fixing things was... Through the Grandpa! I love that guy. Seme was hot and I loved how he was into the Uke and was just totally all over him. I had absolutely ZERO problems with the Seme and Uke characters, they never felt like they had a parent-child relationship (GOALSSS) and the Seme never felt like a kid. The Uke was clearly digging him, and there was SOOOOOO much CONSENT, it's just unbelievable. And it wasn't even shoved in your face, it just... was. Anyway, the Uke could have shown a bit more... Interest in the Seme, I guess, since he never said anything about loving him until like, the before-last chapter, but it was sweet when he did and I wish he responded more when the Seme said that sorta thing, but I guess it DID feel incredibly natural and fitting with the Uke as a character when he just smiled and that was it. So, I guess fine. It just.. Feels like there's so much. The vibe felt filthy and cluttered, but unique and grew to feel more warm as the story progressed. Genuinely, the setting felt like it changed, even as it stayed the same the more I read on. It was a beautiful place, filled to the brim with so much that had a history, where everything was being tended to and nothing was stale. The characters were few, but there were no unnecessary faces and the setting had one crowded place in the whole manga, shown once, so I liked that. The father can go fuck himeslf. But he was also cool with how he was trying so hard and was clearly... Just, a little fragile and doing his best. The wife should have had more of a personality, like jeeze, my one complaint is that she didn't even stick with the dead-inside husk of a woman feel. At least give her that. But no, she was just a cliche mum with a smidge of a personality which felt blander than the skin flaking off my hands. The kid, god, I loved him so much for some reason (considering the manga, of course, he's not like, my favourite manga character, haha) with his simplistic-ass design for his hair and simple face and the simple use of him as a plot device... I guess I liked what he symbolised, as he woke up from a long sleep, just to tell his dad that he was sorry he'd been broken and asleep, hurting him, for so long, but that now her was awake, so it was okay to stop fighting and just let the tears stream. I liked him. So all in all, the story's plot had a simple theme of broken things which have been given up on, eventually all being fixed and put back into some form of action. It was a nice cluttered vibe with the Seme and Uke being perfectly in sync with their issues and no stupid miscommunication whatsoever in the plot. An entirely safe manga with some chill sex and suport, despite it being a bit of a downer and grey atmosphere. Definitely an rr.
Public Sex
Okay..... I came here from a KrisPNatz video and I am mind BLOWN!! Last few chapters caught me off guard. I was absolutely blind-sided by the fact that the guy who seemed like he was absout to be most manipulative, turned out to be the lEAST MANIPULATIVE OF THEM ALL AAAAHHHH,!! Now to the important. The incest was fucked up (no explanation necessary) but it worked so well and made total sense for the big bro. I was super happy that I didn't see anything coming. I liked the way the Uke was actually secretly in control the whole time, but that it never felt like the Seme was completely out of his depth. I liked how the Seme began to rival Uke's messed up nature. I liked how everyone in the end felt completely equal. I like Kaoru (the bro) as an addition, it felt like it tied things up, and I liked how everyone basically had their own version of a happy ending. It tied it up like a bow.
Sakura no Hana ga Saku Koro ni
Usually not into these plot lines of "I miss my dead ex so much, oh shit, this new kid reminds me of him", but this one didn't tie the new BF too much together with the Ex BF, so it felt so much nicer than any other I've ever read with this trope. This gave me a warm feeling, that wasn't exactly a /pang to my heart/, but it was okay. Like... A belly-rub. It's not a strong sensation, or even very pleasant. It's just... Okay. Nice. It makes your heart feel "Aw, this was nice and slow." The reason this story felt like it was more about moving on, than about being hung up (because he did think of the old Professor quite a bit), was that a)The Uke was thinking much more about how he was being reminded of the old Professor, rather than how it hurt so much he was never going to be by his side again and how he still saw the professor in everything around him (thank FUCK). Wondering if they were similar in some way? How he would shake his head and gently reprimand himself for thinking this. So it didn't become about the professor, anymore. b)They adressed it how he coulda just been into his old Seme. But it was actually believable. Because it seemed like the Uke actually DID fall for the new Seme, because of how he trully seemed attracted to aspects about the Seme which he simply hadn't focused on at all in his Ex. So it was because this felt like a new love, since the Uke was basically falling for the Seme here. Not like a continuation of a past love in a new person. c)When the Seme gives the Uke time, (this seems to work because it's specifically in this Manga) it felt like the Uke was genuinely aware of this, wasn't stressing over it and was taking this shit understandingly. And that the Uke actually looked over everything the Seme was doing with a clear head after that. The fact that it was mostly about the Uke getting OVER his Ex, not being hung up on all the old memories like he was wishing he was back, was what made this story: A) Bareable. So I didn't feel like he was going to be infuriating in the relationship with the new Seme, but also, B) Made this story touching, heart-warming and actually have a point that was worth getting some feels for. It was a pleasant ride of sorrow, where the guy had already been getting over the Ex at his own pace, and now just had that final push of joy into his life that openned his eyes. It was beautiful.
Cupid ni Rakurai
Stigmata - Aikon
Fucking.... The story of a young man who comes to terms with the love he feels for a close supperior, through the painful situation he simply can't escape from. A supperior who is willing to do anything to lift this burden off his subbordinate's shoulders while finally reliving and forcing himself to struggle through the traumas he sustained from his own guilt at a failed relationship... The painful past of the subbordinate pushing him to keep striving forward, with personal reasons. And the regret housed in the supperior, as he does all he can to help his subordinate keep moving forward, even as he squints at him through a red rain of tears. They finally confess. They both see this happen after living through _seperate stories_ of _their own_ pain. The start is just with the powers our white-haired character has. Next is how the supperior acts and treats him, trying to keep in mind how to be kind. It's amazing. Beautiful. Fantastic. But they stopped right after they reunited and rushed through the understanding they both came to. They didn't pull enough on those strings the characters had. But that's okay. That wouldn't have fit with the vibe... They could have just made the characters think on their emotions more. Slowly understand them with some slow reasoning through them and feeling them out. Wondering about them more. Maybe questioning them a little bit. Really thinking them through and experimenting in that deep, deep place of personal reflection in their hearts, where no one else is privy to. Or they could have been put under more and more pressure together, forcing them closer, to rely on one another more. To hold one another's hand to support the other, slowly understanding they will be perfectly supported back with a steel grip of compassionate care. Come to feel what it's like to be two who mostly rely on one another, because they know the other is who they can rely on most easily in this situation. That there's something like that binding them. Something should have been done with the flower. They should have placed it in a vase whenever they got home, or something. Like a light in the darkness kind of ritual, helping them hold on. Or as a happy moment in this situation which was shit and dark for them both, to smile at one another about. Again, something personal to them both. Or made them sepperate and force them to go MORE on their own journeys, before they reunite and continue to confessing. Or that could happen after they confess.... There was a beautiful strength to how these characters both could have taken their own stories, which they didn't, and it should have been explored. And, of course, as with all stories that end JUST after the couple get together, show some fucking life they lead together. Are they even REMOTELY compatible? Why the fuck should I take your word for it? I love these boys, but are they perfect? NO! Now... show me some of how they grow together and work together... Because these both look not only like they're good as a couple.... But, as a rarity, like they can be powerful when apart, too. And that was wasted. Boo. Fucking. Hoo. 10/10
Sugar Dog Life