Mitsuru-kun no Mitsugenai Haru ga Kuru
Its cringey but also funny af lmao wild I need more of the first couple lol
The Good Luck Story of an Unlucky Guy
That childhood friend is a piece of shit. Mc is an angel for letting shit slide because I sure as hell wouldn't bc wtf
There's No Way This Is Fate
This one is wild af lol
Immoral Sex
Harada back at it again with their dark phase here
Can't Think Straight
Oh my god they were roommates lmfaoooooooo ml is such a piece of shit i love it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA
Danshoku Rei no Sumu Apato
This is so questionable lol
Hamedori! Magic Mirror Truck
This is questionable lol. It would be funny if gf realizes she still likes him and goes out with him still, just that, she'll be doing the railing from now on lol
Eunsuk & Jung-gu
I've read this a while back! Its weird and questionable, but i really like it lol. The plot good THE ENDING IS GREAT
Yona and Chang-il
Oh my fucking god to think i caught up when its on a hiatus holy shit I've never felt this cliffy with this author's works bc it's usually done when i start reading oh my god i fucking cant nooooooo i need to know what happens nexttt bhfdgjkcxdg
Our House Love Trouble