Ore to Buka no Koi no Saki
2/3 in trilogy. As this established couple, Chikase and Tomoaki contemplate moving in together, suddenly Tomoaki is transferred to another department mostly due to the fact that he is not married. There his confidence plummets as he struggles to make any sales, yet as he gets his first client he suffers his first taste of homophobia as they withdraw their offer once they find out he is dating a man. The issue is eventually solved but not without drama between the couple as well since Chikase feels partly responsible. But they weather the storm
Ore to Kareshi no Koi no Hate
Final installment 3/3. Chikase finally confirms to his parents that he is gay. Tomoaki is transferred out to the head branch so they have a long distance relationship for a few months. This causes issues since Chikase's insecurities arise again. Mainly about if Tomoaki would be better off with a woman and with a family. Tomoaki gets them pair rings but it's not enough. They break off for a while but Tomoaki eventually returns and comes back into Chikase's life. He even greets his parents and it ends with talks of fretting Tomoaki's.
Kedamono Arashi: Hug Me Baby!