katlovesfries's manga / #interesting(73)

Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)

Ongoing | Byeonduck | 2019 released

I actually have mixed opinions on this manhwa. The artwork is stunning and I adore Na-kyum with all my heart, but something about Seungho doesn't really sit right with me. Nevertheless, I finished it, but I don't think I'll come back it, and if I do it'll only be because of the beautiful artwork.

Keep a Dog

Complete | Bulgamja | 2019 released

Not much to say. I didn't know what I was expecting when I started to read this, but this is definitely not for everyone. Very smutty, but I guess that's given.

Efforts Never Betray

Complete | Akpa (악파) | 2000 released

This was actually so sad to read. Jaekyung constantly not thinking he's good enough, and living in fear everyday of his father is truly heartbreaking. This Manhwa is a great example of the consequences of parents who have too many expectations of their children. The ending really sits with me - it really shows how much damage Jaekyung's father has done along with his mother leaving him when he was a child. Amazing but heartbreaking all at once.


Complete | Itou Junji | 1998 released

This manga is insane. Itou Junji's talent to take a simple thing or concept, and then turn it into something horrifying and downright disturbing is amazing. The art style is so much more detailed than I expected. Truly a unique reading experience!

Bastard (hwang Youngchan)

Complete | Carnby Kim,Youngchan Hwang | 2015 released

I've been sitting for a few moments to take everything in. This manhwa is fantastic. The plot is incredible, and it has so many plot twists that made me sit anxiously in my seat. The colour palette is perfect for the plot, and it makes everything seem even more disturbing. Jin's father is truly sick, twisted and manipulative, and it clearly shows many times, and I never would have guessed this to be the ending. One of the best manhwas I've ever read, and I definitely recommend!


Complete | POTION, TR | 2000 released

I really liked the historical aspect in this story as well as Ilic's character. I definitely didn't expect all that shameless smut, but I'm not complaining. I really liked the art style as well.

Bitten By Moonlight

Complete | Chada | 2019 released

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I liked the action-filled beginning, and the use of magic and all the other supernatural elements. The art is stunning, but would I like even more depth to the plot and characters. Sadly, this is only meant as a short story.

Blue Lust

Complete | Hinako (ひなこ) | 2015 released

This is a beautiful manga, and I love everything about it. Seriously, everything. The pacing is good, the characters are amazing, even with their flaws. I love that Hayato had to confront his past, and that he didn't want to run away from it anymore. Seeing his perspective on everything was really interesting, and I loved that the readers see his inner conflicts and feelings. I enjoyed how Souma and Hayato found each other again after their fall out + the little time skip at the end was everything to me. (Souma looks cute with glasses).

Wagging the Tail Webtoon

Complete | Yayamee,Kwong koogi | 2000 released

The pace of the story is very enjoyable, perfect even. I read it in one sitting without taking a break, and I loved it so much. I feel so sorry for Yeojoon, and the way he views himself, but I'm so happy that he opened up to Doha. The ending is everything, and I would, without a doubt, come back to this in the future.

Yours to Claim

Complete | WAJE, ZZIN-BAM | 2000 released

I read this manhwa a couple of months ago, but to be honest, I don't have recollection of the bigger picture of the story. The artwork is beautiful and it certainly a some cute, fluffy moments as well. This is not, however, a manwha that I would consider re-reading. But overall, I remember my reading experience as being pleasent.