Ao no Flag
Such a beautiful story about love and friendship. It focuses on the complex relationship between friends and how feelings may develop as a result of said relationship. This manga is really a story that is "coming of age", and such an important piece that everyone should read. It focuses on the differences between people, but also highlights that differences and change aren't bad. Those things makes us who we are. I really enjoyed this a lot, and would recommend for anyone who is looking for something impactful and great.
Path to You
Such a cute and loving story. I'm happy I decided to give this one a chance. This is a relatively quick read, but still manages to wrap up every plotline nicely. The pacing is good, and the development between Jensen and Niel happens in a very natural way that didn't make it seem rushed or forced. I also really enoyed reading about Jensen coming to terms with is feelings for Niel---something about was very precious to me.
Stranger Than Friends
I loved everything about this manwha---their first kiss, the plot, the angst, the tension, the realisation of feelings, the side pairings, the ending. Everything was great. I love the fact that these characters grew up together and that the readers get an in sight to their respective upbringing. The conflict between them was resolved perfectly, and their dynamic is honestly so entertaining.
Can't Think Straight
This was a rollercoaster. There are so many feelings and conflicts happening in this story, but also so much development and growth. I was sceptical at first, mainly because one of the main characters is homophobic, and while it does get better, it does take a while. This is a slowburn, guys.
Lucky Paradise
A story about toxic love and letting go of people who don't want the best for you. It addresses the process of accepting and letting go of someone you hold dear to your heart. It really tugs on your heartstrings, especially when you see how people pleasing and neglecting yourself becomes such a big part of the characters and plot.
Only Need to Love Once
This is such an impactful story. For those people, including myself, who struggle/struggled to accept themselves and their sexuality, this is for you. This may be a one shot, but it tugs at your heartstrings in a beautiful and painful way. It does contain homophobia and slurs, so please proceed with caution if that triggers you.
Ookami Shounen To Hamu No Hito