cute story about about childhood friends falling in love and i love it so muchh, something kinda realistic about it that drew me in as well. Dokyung gave off this nonchalent vibe at first but hes really cute!
Restart wa Onaka wo Sukasete
this a sequel to the first one, and i love it just as much as the first one maybe even more!! just so cute and it was so heartwarming watching him talk about how he loved him so much!! i would most def rec to anyone
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Up in the mountains called hope a mysterious scarcy aura lurks in the mountains...but what happens when that mysterious entity one day just vanishes? Hikaru goes to the mountains to fufill his family's tradition but ends up dying and the spirit in the mountain ends up inhabiting hikaru's body...after coming back from the mountain yoshiki realizes that this "hikaru" isn't his own and confronts the spirit.. the story showcases yoshikis emotions with dealing with the loss of his friend and the conflictions with the village as they realize strange ting happening as a result of the missing sprit from the mountain... I LOVED THIS!!!! READ, READ READ!!! i could read this over and over really good story and i love the art
Restart wa Tadaima no Ato de