The Warmth Of Your Heartbeat
what. the. fuck. i.... i don't know what to say about this story. this is completly disappointing honestly. the pages seemed to be out of order for most of the time so i didn't understand anything. I don't know if it would be better if i read it on taptoon but i think i got the main idea of the story and i basically hate it. i wouldve given this a 3 stars because of the art and because the story was kinda good. But the ending was a so half-assed ong. im not even sure who he ended up with- worst of it all, everything was too rushed. definetly not one of the good ones smh :/ and sex scenes weren't as detailed and thagt disappointed me considering that's one of my favorite things in yaoi :/
Megumi and Tsugumi
words cannot express how much i love this manga
Here U Are
it was so cute omg ever since i read it it's all i can think about
Your Heart in My Hands