I Will Remove Them From My Life
Self, read this if you're bored(edit: please don't your brain will slowly disappear) but The art is not my thing and the details are just- The plot is the usual The MC is sort of apathetic and it really isn't matched well with the color palette (pastel) of the art. Moreover, there is no build up. There's no satisfaction and relief from her when she finally confronted her villains, which makes it unsatisfactory for me too. The adults' brains are shit. They can't even refute the kid, I can say this for sure because in chapter 4 us readers got a glimpse of what one of the villains think. Furthermore, the mute problem? In chapter 2(I think) she could only spat out a few words before she fainted but in the next chapters she could recite a whole fricking story without fainting and is seemingly fine after
You're All Dead if You Mess With My Brother