just beautiful when i was recommended this i hesitated cause it was so long but since i read it i can't stop thinking about it it i'm sure i'll reread it someday but we didn't deserve that cliffhanger ending like where's the rest please :(
K's secret
this was so nice and funny everytime the director cried oof i felt it and noo jooyoung i thought there were going to be side stories for him and the other guy i thought the author would show him falling in love toooo noooo i felt so bad for him and i really liked him he was my favourite but before i started reading this i thought the director would be like a cold and sort of unapproachable guy but he turned out to be a sweetheart that even had feelings for kim doyoon first so that was nice anyway this was very very nice and well i'm still hoping to get side stories for jooyoung or maybe even another manhwa for him i honestly wouldn't mind
Blood Link
bwat never lets me down!! another bl masterpiece from my favourite author really I can't get over how talented they are ah i was shipping kakia and ino soo hard and when i saw them together i was filled with bliss that was a perfect ending to everything and i don't know what's wrong with me but i just can't help but feel like lee hwa settled for less like to me seolhyun was just not enough idk idk it just bothered me so much doesn't mean i wasn't happy for hwa though as long as he's happy it's fine then gok and bin!!! ahhhhh they were perfect loved them both and throughout the time gok was pregnant i was screaming cause i thought he was going to have a miscarriage i was so scared cause it was just chapter 50 out of 135 and they don't normally have children that soon but then i saw that oh the child came that early cause season 2 is the child's story so it all made sense then but seriously though bwat has never made a bad story they're just so amazing I can't express my excitement everytime i read their work
A Song of Blood and Fire
umm well the second half was definitely not what i was expecting lmao but i love the art though
Shinigami wa Korosenai
well the ending was kinda weird but it was funny
Warrior's Afterlife
i think it would've been more interesting if the demon king played hard to get
Coyote (ZARIYA Ranmaru)
OH MY GOD! I LOVEEEE THISSS i will never not love a manga with amazing storytelling like it's so interesting and don't get me started on lili and marlene's relationship goodness and those smut scenes honestly no surprise it's from zaria they're amazing ughhhh i started reading cause i thought it was complete but it actually isn't! i'm so sad i won't rest until i get my hands on the remaining volume(s)
Prince Bari