This Question Is Super Difficult
WEBTOON 63.5ch
Kakkou no Yume
MANGA 》☆THIS MANGA IS SO GOOD. I couldn't even imagining it's going to turn this way. I really ship Seno with Natsuka. To fake that you are different person and you'r body is swap it's really caught me of guard. I love it!!☆《 2ND READ: O boy. Where should i start? In 3 years my opinion changed, no im not gonna change the rating, just i don't think i would give 5☆ if i read it now for the first time. I think plot is amazing, def, that's the same, but author didn't write it really good. I mean, a lot of reader were confused, including me. Autor nam nije jasno dao do znanja da seme (Natsuka) zapravo voli uke(Seno). Natsuka je toliko voleo svog prijatelja da je bilo zbunjujuce kako je samo odjednom presao da voli Sena. Medjutim, neko u komentaru je mnogo lepo objasnio, i istakao neke detalje koji su ostalima promakli. Eto najvise zbog toga ostavljam 5☆. Ne bih rekla da je SOO GOOD, kao sto sam rekla na pocetku ali opet nije losa. Autor nam nije najbolje stavio do znanja sta i kako. Da se Natsuka zaljubio skroz nesvesno u Sena i kada je saznao da ga ovaj voli i kako je procitao njegov dnevnik shvatio je da to sto su imali prethodnih 2 meseca nije bila laz ili iluzija. Kada je rekao da se jos vise zaljubio nakon promene tela zapravo se zaljubio u Sena. But yes, Natsuka really god on my nerves back in the beginning
I'll Be Gay! Body Switcharoo
MANGA 》☆I love this manga it's interesting and the couole are also interesting. It's a cute and funny story i like it. The suicidal qnd narcissist couple it was funny☆《
At the End of the Road