I Won't Become a Villainess. I'm Just a "Normal" Duke's Daughter!
3.2 ...I like this so far! I’m excited for ml guy to enter the scene (although, I know our sis right now is only 6). It looks like ml is beastkin? Just read a spoiler in topics and I’m glad I did. I’m dropping story based on the pedo behavior on both the ml girl and ml guy side that will show up later in the story. // DROPPED
I'm A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just Too Cute!
17...it’s okay. This doesn’t really have much of a plot and you don’t grow attached to any characters.
Villainess Maker
29...it’s very cute and very addicting to read. I just hate all of the flirting....like it takes up so much time! And it comes off kind of weird? Like why is the girl okay w/ the guy touching her like that so early on and why is guy even wanting to touch her like that so early on? Like we can probably say it’s because they both are attractive to each other....but then that just makes their whole “relationship” very superficial! Also, I feel like the reason the guy is helping the girl isn’t good enough. Like he’s a sorcerer king who has people at his beck and call (not to mention he’s been alive for like 500+ years) but he’s willing to be some girl’s butler? And the only thing he’ll get out of it is he *hopes* it will make “God” mad?
The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
33....this is the best webtoon I’ve read in the past few months! I’m absolutely in love with it (although I did take like a 5 month hiatus). At first I thought it was too much worldbuilding in the beginning but I see now why that was needed! Ughh I’m eagerly waiting for the next updates!!
The Villainess is a Marionette
27...asides for the whole ml character switching from thinking she’s an iskei to a do-over it’s pretty good!
I am the Male Lead's Ex-Girlfriend
18...I dislike male lead Zion and the way the girl is moving with Leo. Zion shouldn’t have been best friends with Leo and the girl should’ve stuck it out with Leo until Yulliana came and then seen were the story went
The Villiainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom