Gunjou Other Half
Short and sweet and vv cute! Couple didn't drag their issues (considering the length too haha) and I love that. Honestly I could read more about them
Samurai Omega to Akutoku Shachou
Short and sweet! Very easy read
Waterside Night
I adore the main characters even though I wanna smack their heads all the time it's really one of those "could've avoided shit if we communicate WITH WORDS TOO" yannow..but it's ok the silly and smutty and adorable moments make up for my blood pressure LOL incredibly flawed but loveable main characters and the storytelling made me still want to root for them. Messy misunderstandings, slick, character development, hornee, adorable moments, YOU GOT IT ALL!! also gorgeous gorgeous art ofc.
Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke
cute hihihi arisaka best boy!!!!
Ni Jiu