Bad Thinking Diary
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story
Asumi-chan is interested in Lesbian Brothels!
YOOOO ASUMI GETS BITCHES.. granted she pays for them ------- this is so cute and hot at the same time, and each girl she books is some how better than the last
Arousing Taste
WHY IS HYENIN BEING DIFFICULT??? literally the first thing she calls her is sexy she says likes her lips and her kisses and how much she pays attention to her body. She likes the way she makes her feel when she looking at her and touching her. SHE LIKES IT ALL. THE ONLY THING She talks about is how much she's into yoora and then she never lets her do anything :(
Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku
damn this really is.. brutal. it's so good tho
Kill Me Now
THE ART This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!! I love how the author selectively uses color!! I lose my shit every time I see the slightest bit of purple ---------- ahh I think I like Haegu too much. Idk how many pics of her I have atp. (ch 18) same Mian same ------------ They're a match made in hell but they're literally so addicting. ----------- Man, Somehow the artist has improved on their already gorgeous artstyle. I didnt think it was possible for Haegu to get even hotter!!! ---------- Chapters 75 - 79 are the best argue with the wall ---------- Now that Haegu has stopped denying herself she's smiling a lot more, she's more expressionate in general... it's kinda off putting. Just a bit! ------- MIAN'S DAD SMILE AT HER FOR THE FIRST TIME?? what does it mean? ----------- ch.107 Wanting to live for someone is the greatest act of love.