Mother-me!'s manga / #❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤(26)

Gentle Tyrant

Ongoing | Lucy | 2019 released

Huh. It's bland even though the spoilers don't make sense? Or are people really basing storytelling on how the spoilers are told and wondering why it's so bland because of that? Lol. Wow the redhead is sh!t. Bureau, I'm aware. I also comment on there as Arekushieru. Thanks for the advice though! Lol you want to protect the people your wife loved? Then why aren't you protecting the person your wife loved the most you UTTER FUCKING TRASH????????? Everyone in here is utter fing trash except definitely for the FL! So the father thinks that a scar will be overlooked by a tyrant? So if he's forgotten why does he naively believe that she will be safe until he does remember? And even though he knows how his b**** sister treats his daughter he thinks that she'll treat her aunt happily or that she wouldn't make his daughter feel unhappy about her scar? This pos is DAF. Like her cousin, the maids and the 's*****' af knight. F*ck Rudy just gets 'd*****' with each chapter doesn't he? The FL is naive? For one how is that such a fing crime that you blame her instead of the people that made her that way and/or treat her like shit? And for two she realized what her aunt was doing so where is your evidence that she's 's*****' OR naive or can I call YOU 's*****' or naive WITH evidence? DAB! People who think that the FL is annoying because she doesn't want to be hypervigilant all the time so they can blame her for THAT too are the fing annoying ones OBVIOUSLY. Actually naive readers, people who believe things without any sort of proper evidence, are indeed annoying af. How can the fucking servants be so fing 'd***' too? He just killed a servant for being concerned over him and the other servants and readers still think the FL is more afraid of him than she should be? 'D*********mmmmbbbb' as FUCK! You pulled her you fucking SHITHEAD! Yeah your IQ is in the negative double digits. How tF did you become emperor when you're like THAT you piece of SHIT? Lol if people think this story has schemes then they really should lock themselves up in the basement! At least ONE person other than her is intelligent there!

The Vanished Duchess

Ongoing | Muso | 2019 released

Love the cutie ML! This will be the only warning so skip to the next paragraph if you absolutely don't want to be reading blistering screeds of hypocrisy: Lololololol. Everyone must actually think the FL in Fiance in Crisis is absolutely the most *intelligent* FL they've ever encountered DESPITE THEM SAYING NUMEROUS TIMES THAT THEY THINK SHE'S 'S*UPID precisely because she confronted her killer but now they're demanding this FL prove she's not 's*upid' by confronting her potential killer? You have to be really naive to believe that everyone shows exactly who they are on the outside. It's almost like some people are so immature that the grade level which is often said most closely matches their level of immaturity is grade three???!!I I LOVE her brother though! He isn't pushing for a marriage despite the fact he admires the ML! But I like the ML too! It's just that I also think the FL has reason to distrust him. Lol from the way people talked before reading the spoilers I almost thought she was committing a freaking crime, when actually she was just acting like any human in the whole entire freaking world does! From spoilers she CLEARLY did her due diligence. Expecting her to do more is really what would make her a 'hopeless' FL. since, y'know, she would be acting exactly like the victim everyone doesn't *want* her to act like...? So people are STILL arguing for her to be 's*****' and run to her husband and get herself and her child potentially killed (then you can blame her for being 's*****' for 'trusting him too much', like you people clearly did with the FL in FiC) claiming that is the 'intelligent' thing to do, demonstrating your own 's*****ity' in not being able to read a few words at the end of the flashback which say PRECISELY that she can't believe he would do something like that, suggesting that that IS NOT the end of it, all the while pretending this somehow makes YOU 'intelligent'?!?!?!?!?!!! Bbndb@$$ES. Lol she comes back after five years to visit her dying mother and people think there's something wrong with that. I mean they answered their own question here! Lol and more people wishing she'd asked him so they could call her 's*****' if he killed her for it. More people agreeing that homophobia is fine too. Bleargh! And who think it's fine to abuse women FOR communicating. Typical misogynists. At least one person gets the fucking point. Yeah I disagree that it makes the story boring but they have clear and consistent ideas as to why it is so I can't say their opinion is wrong.

The Fate of Undesirable Saintess

Ongoing | Kizaki yu | 2019 released

Lol again the one whose username is exactly the same as the name of the character who actually represents the meaning behind it can't figure out things wfs? Oh yes just heal thyself from that broken arm DAB!!!! Mystia is the only female character who is a 'D*mb' Ass B!tch! So what if Shion only becomes that way when he's around the FL! It's none of HER fucking business. No it's not going to become your problem. You just decided that it was. Usually people don't like busybody b!tches like you but when you can't victim blame them then I guess that's the perfect scenario for most people to love them huh? Also it's not the fucking FL's fault. BnyDAB. Lol now people say she should have just let herself remain in the orphanage where she was abused because that was a smart thing to do! NOT!! More 'd^mb' ass b!tchery from Mystia! We learn that the only reason she made it her business for the FL to catch up was because she didn't want to marry the ML! Selfish af b!tch!

Everlasting Love

Ongoing | 麟潜 | 2022 released

I'm actually not surprised this isn't cute and fluffy. After reading the sequel to this. Definitely parts that were very toxic in that story after all. I don't get what the meme at the end was supposed to be saying? Loooollll the memes at the end of this chapter! 64: Yup ML is trash. If he’d told the shou what he was doing things wouldn’t have been such a mess, A-hole. I don't know why people are surprised this is connected to Falling Merman? Lol still people pretending they hate the ML then revealing they love him?

The Mistress Runs Away

Ongoing | Baekseoleun | 2019 released

Nah ML is utter trash for punishing her just because she was brooding over some nasty comments HE put her at the mercy of. It’s interesting though! Just today I was reading a comment of mine on this very story in Novel Updates that got liked by someone else! Please stop das. Stop complaining about abusers then demonstrating your love for them. Abusers are just ~misunderstood~ while victims are ~criminals~ for doing something like stealing to keep themselves from dying of starvation! Who's the 'd^mb' one now huh??????? Hmmm. I ~wonder~ if the very same people who questioned the ML's actions as just being ones of misunderstanding will now victim blame the FL for the exact same reason? Or will I be pleasantly surprised for once??????????????????????? This 'd*mb' bitch Harriet better not sell the FL out because she thinks that being with an abusive pos (I mean clearly she wouldn't have left the guy if he was a decent person ya 'd*mb' BITCH) is better than being alone. Nah how can people let themselves not read things properly? Clearly she had no idea he disliked her at the very beginning of their relationship. Why would she? She obviously had nothing to do with the ‘d*mb’ bitch that told the ML she was a courtesan in the first place. Also it’s so funny that people think it isn’t misogyny to expect women to overthrow men who are vastly more powerful than they are in terms of status alone. Maybe think about why misogyny BEGETS misogyny next time mkdaBS???? She IS doing the best she can as a powerless woman in medieval times against a powerful man who has ALREADY shown how ruthless he is by forcing a woman into poverty (whether or not that be by just simply not helping her mk?) merely because he believes it’s her fault that he was attracted to her especially after he was told through SECOND HAND INFORMATION that she was a courtesan. PLUS she has another man after her who would likely find her again and either kill her or actually make her into a courtesan! Oops again dab??? The only weak af female CHARACTER here is Harriet. Who TF CARES if he loves her DAB???? Abuse is abuse no matter how the douchebag feels about the victim oops? The only other weak af people are those who notice comments like this and yet still believe either that victim blaming isn’t misogyny and/or that women should be able to fix problems they didn’t create even if they’re facing a tidal wave! Ooedab!!!!!! Lol people begging for these kinds of comics asking the author to not write them anymore. ML is indeed utter trash!

The Oppressed Daughter Became the Master of Yggdrasil

Ongoing | Sakurai yuu (ii) | 2019 released

Oh? So the ex-fiance is NOT a douchebag???? He's actually pretty sweet! Lol readers: 'bullying' your bullies makes you exactly like them! Also readers: if you don't become a bully you're 's*****'!

A Wife's Sweet Revenge

Ongoing | Mana,Jyun | 2019 released

How was she ‘d*mb’ but the ML wasn’t? Oh because she’s a woman? Then you answered your OWN fucking ‘st*pid’ ass questions as to why you get misogynistic stories. Oops? Yes peeps victim blaming certainly does tell me that you don't love the abuser. Mhm! Yes it shoar does! /S Also? Blaming the victim means you don't blame the trash at all. Oops? Bye now dfb? Lol people calling the FL naive but then ignoring the face of her boss when she plans the betrayal of her ex's mother. The boss is definitely suspicious. Whether or not she looked that way just because she's not wanting the FL to go through with her plan because she's a victim blamer. People really don't understand characters very well do they? And people who don’t agree with her choices really make it clear they only believe that abusers should ever be the ones winning. So cliched. Also peeps keep simping for toxic guys whilst claiming that if the roles were reversed the author would be over. A mite contradictory, you get it, now? Bb. Db. People are so hilarious (and not in a good way)! She'd be ruining her future if she DIDN'T get her revenge this way. You think that women should play nice even while getting revenge? Do you not know that that's misogyny? Bbadbs. Okay I like the way she brings Seungwan into the revenge. But I don't like that she brought the other guy into it. He's also trash. Plus she never really showed she was sorry for the way she was using Seungwan at the time. He's the only not trash except for Manseok in relation to that family. Explain to trash what she was doing? Nah. She should have explained to Seungwan. Lol people don't understand explaining things to strangers would have them thinking she needed to be put in a 'crazy home'? I must admit part of the reason they're so disgusted with their respective partners in that family is because THEY were used in order to get that revenge. Seungwan however just could have been told MUCH earlier on.

Vanilla Taste

Complete | I.a | 2019 released

Okay thought this was going to be better but the top is giving me really creepy vibes and Sodam's family is abusive af. Lol ‘s*****’ abusive fucks not caring about how ‘st*pid’ other abusive fucks are either. Typical. Hope the new guy is his actual first love. It's clear now that the current ML is indeed a fucking douchebag. I'm glad he had a reaction to his name even if it turns out to be nothing. And lol someone makes a claim where only two descriptions can be applied to either of the protagonists? Lol. This young master is absolutely SO SWEET! I LOVE him.

You, who are sitting next to me, are the cutest.

Ongoing | Torii Maa | 2000 released

Faaaaaacccccckkkkk offffffffffffff! How is there something as cute as THIS in the world????? Also if you don't finish you don't need to leave a comment just to leave a comment. You're not special!