Mother-me!'s manga / #❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤(30)

My Cute Baby Is A Wingman

Ongoing | 暂无 | 2019 released

I guess people don't read other comments first? But how is that possible? You can only add a comment by scrolling down to the comment section. And people can't be blind if they want to read a comic on here. Also the same group of people appear to believe that sexsomnia does not equal sexual assault because they call things like that a 'b.s. excuse'. However the ML went up in my estimation because he actually wasn't thinking of collecting any kind of payment from her for what he wanted to help her with!

First Love Complex

Complete | Bongja , Cheongdam | 2000 released

(Thecrud! Ilysm right now!) Rant ahead which as usual contains curses and name-calling so you've been forewarned: sorry, some people probably would have actually wanted to read parts that fangirled over Namhyun but you can thank others for not being able to if you don't want to read a rant; Sigh, but now, of course, it looks like we have to have the 'd***est' people ever who also have to act like they're the most mature hypocrites ever because their golden shit ain't shit, I guess? But they can't even comprehend what an actual misunderstanding is and also think misunderstandings are 'overused' because unlike what it's clear to me they believe it's apparent they're actual children who don't understand that humans have emotions which can be messy. Not liking them because they don't know how to deal with them doesn't make you readers mature. It just makes you children trying to act mature. Obviously. Hope the MC learns to grow up sometime fucking soon. Ah man. This is gonna be tough for seme I think. It looks like the seme's a sweetheart! Can you just go f*ck off b**** mother? The seme and the uke are both so f*cking precious!!!!!!! This kind of reminds me of Red Candy. Who's cutting the onions???????????????????????? Still love the uke! And why is Namhyun so freaking adorable??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only hate the older brother because he knows he's hurting others just by his presence but doesn't do anything about it. If he jumped off a pier I wouldn't care at all. And once again I was proven right! Right beguille????? So people love abusers winning then don't understand why people say they love abusers? Every time you say it's a victim's responsibility to 'fix' an abusive.situation that's EXACTLY the emotion you're expressing for them. Oops? Heesu needs to go kill himself. Right now I wish Yoo-chan and Saetbyul could get together with how sh!tty both of them are currently acting in both of their stories and Heesu and Hyuntae could get together. Then Yul and Namhyun could pair up. The two most adorable babies ever. Yoo-chan has only grown up a little bit unfortunately, sadly. Disappointing. He's grown up a little more but now others want to take his place as the childish one. People really love watching people open gaping wounds over and over again and thinking that's healthy eh? Huh. Who knew that people with no sense of reality would find non one dimensional stories boring. Hope redhead f*cks Heesu up.

Give Me A Brush

Ongoing | 第十一个立方体 | 2019 released

Cutecutecutecutecutecutekyeeeeewwwwwt! XD Quit freaking criticizing something for opposite reasons! If you aren't reading a story don't comment on it! Ffs!

The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra

Ongoing | Ja eunhyang,Kimpeul | 2019 released

Some of the most shitty parents that Ive ever read about like this ya know? They don't deserve to know what happened to her. But the ML is definitely a sweetheart! I fing stan this absolutely adorable ML! Also green hair finally learned what a pos he is too! Good for him. Again people calling something boring when they get what they want. Quelle surprise. So green hair didn't tell the other doctor that he was working for the count's family? I don't know why people hate the elder brother though? He's the only decent one in the whole household. Wow am I witnessing dabs in the comments again who can't read to save their lives? When she tried to stand up for herself she was abused. She literally has the art's disease so she'll die. She can't do anything about that. Claiming a victim of abuse should do more emotional labor than anyone else just perpetuates abusive behavior. I can't believe there are still so many people who are too 'D***' to realize that.... Wow a majority type reader felt that they were so special once again that they had to throw an actual pity party. Uh what dramatization? Love how the father and sister are finally realizing what b***** they are! Ch. 50: Hertha's so cute! So the Haron might help her for a little while at least eh? Awesome! The end of chapter 58 was so cool too! Love the older brother! I knew he was the best out of the whole family! Green hair is just so 'st*pid' he can't put two and two together whether intentional or not, eh?

I'll End This Engagement

Ongoing | 꾸꾸즈,또로롱 | 2019 released

Ugh I can’t with this pos ML! And, yes, I also can't wait, either, until Mangago comes fully back online, so I have somewhere else I can put my rants, because until then I can only vent as I find it necessary here. Um lol again people thinking that expecting victims to act like victims means that they aren't exposing how they love giving passes to their abusers? Yes, clearly, thinking a victim must act a certain way to be a victim is expecting them to act like what they think makes someone a victim. And obviously that not only leads to MORE situations like the one we have here NOT LESS but also demonstrates how they think abuse is the responsibility of the victim to fix not the abuser AND ALSO how they think victims are 's*****' just because they can't stop their abuser but the abuser is smart even though they won't stop their abuse. It's especially curious that they say all this while witnessing others defending the abuser because of 'reasons'. Oops, dfba? I was very interested in reading this right up until I read equally confusing spoilers(*): like (*) how tf does she think she's from the modern world and just transmigrated into a novel world if she has no fing clue what the modern world is like? Also who tf is Cadel? And wtf do people mean when they say that Nicks betrayed her but not this Cadel? Finally wth do they mean when they say he's merely indifferent towards her but won't explain why or when he acts that way towards her? I mean being indifferent is entirely unrelated to not letting her go while he pursues a relationship with her lookalike just because he believes the ogFL is his saviour. That IS abuse not 'just' indifference mk, da? Lol you don't want to drag anyone into that 'h***' yet here you are doing exactly that with Leah. Hypocrite! Sigh people. Stop proving you can't read! What's that you say? You think it's smart to prove you can't read but also smart at the same time for someone to stick out like a sore thumb then get murdered because intelligent people realized she wasn't who she said she was since she's not doing everything all at once and perfectly like you, the clearly 'd***' one, only THINK is smart. Confirmed. Devan is a fing prick!!!!!!!!! Gotta love people too who think that moving too fast is a smart thing todo. So fing 'st****'. Again so cringe that people are so 's*****' because they don't realize calling characters 's*****' because the character realizes that rushing headlong into actions that are known to provoke other characters with unpredictable mood swings is not smart makes them 's*****' for the same reasons they call the character 's*****'. Lololololololololololol! Pacing and art are the same so that must mean that being slow not FAST was a Chinese story facet. I LOVE this new character!

Amagami wo Kimi ni

Complete | Haikin | 2000 released

I Raised the Beast Well

Ongoing | Ireunkkot,Teava,이른꽃,티바,Yeo Seulgi,여슬기 | 2019 released

Omg, Rin! Say it louder for the people in the back! Sadly this story is cliched. A victim has to fix her shit family before she's recognized as part of it? Ew. Wish the father, brother and sister would die. Now that would be an episode I'd gleefully read. But I am glad at least that Amon told the shit emperor just how shitty he actually was. Looking for a descendant of the gods but three times he can't f*cking figure out it's the FL? And if being emperor means you can change the laws why tf didn't he do that before? Just how utterly f*cking 'st****' is he? And another villain who was weak af from the START. Okay chapter 55 was fracking confusing. It looked like they were going to explain why the siblings hadn't just jumped off the cliff but then it goes on a tangent which doesn't really explain what it was obviously supposed to explain either, then the whole discussion just circles back to the original question, without rhyme nor reason. Just... jarring. Why are Amon and her brother hesitating to go after Bridey even though they don't think anything is up?????? Sfw. Um why are you talking about a wedding with the pos Emperor and not the bride herself da?????

Don't Trust the Female Lead

Ongoing | Swordg | 2019 released

Sigh. She's not grooming him, he's the one wanting to get together with her and this story will likely wait until he's an adult before it even attempts to get them together. I love the manhwa better than the novel even though I read that first??????!!!!!!!!????????? And this is yet another story that proves that just treating the person better doesn't mean that things will automatically work out. Bbndbs. Uggghhhhh. People can't read properly again when they claim without evidence that her first life was as the villainess. If it was in either case this would be her fourth life even though they claim this is actually her third life!

Namete, Kajitte, Tokidoki Medete

Ongoing | yumachi shin | 2019 released

Is.... this translated by someone from the UK???? The attitude looks more American though.... And resembles much of what's currently going on in there. Hate the ML. He's a pos. Hope he dies and the bitch mother too! Love how the girl is aware that there's no winning with toxic psos. Unlike others who think that victims can singlehandedly fix problems if they didn't do just this one thing. So he tells the girl he loves her then wonders what's going on with his heart. So obviously he was lying when he said he loves her. He also continues to blame her for shit HE'S doing. Her mother is still a bitch too! I LOVE the way she turned the tables on him though in Ch. 15! If the girl has no spine then there's no one causing the lack of spine thus there's no one doing anything wrong to her. Nice victim blaming bruh.