Cold Rain Of Happiness
This all explains why they left it at one chapter.
Save Me
So i was shipping them.......only to find out they were separated twins at birth?...what has this manga done to me...
Stalker's Game
I don't like the fact they ended up together stalker was a pervert and rapist and at this point mc has stocklom sydrome. ,After saying this □I still don't like them.□ ■But i'm obsessed with sangwoo and yoonbum■ ○Guess i'm a narcissistic asshole oh well●
I kinda hated it reminded me of painter of the night but k
Feeding lamb
10 fucking years and he was oblivious- {Kinda remind me of Heartless Manga on here}
Banana Fish
The anime on hulu got me in tears too
I wanted to stop reading why couldn't i stop? i'm in tears but i'm also smiling
Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku
This is so satisfying it fills my soul up with ecstasy cht.19.5
Adult Na Kaihatsushitsu