Kajou Mousou Shounen
8.5/10 Hmm quite disappointed to see the seme treated uke worse than I expected, I was like wtf when the uke is always the one who apologize while I personally think seme is the one in fault. But well I've seen worse so- the imagination concept actually pretty interesting but well.
Hetakuso Love Step
short story rating:8-8.5/10 Cute smut school love. I'm inlove with the uke omg, glasses between cuteness and handsomeness, when he takes off his glasses he's unbelievably hot ughh//-//
High School Lala Love
Short story rating:8.5-9/10 Gotta say this is hilarious
Ochikobore Alpha to Elite Omega
Short storying rating: 8/10
Doutei-sama no Omou ga Mama
Short story rating: 8.5-9/10 HmMm..tastes good
The Good Life
Hahaha qq, nice short story but if the bottom can be more handsome then it’s better uwu But Dannis and the blonde is so qq I wanna c them tgt
My Starry Sky