Eto Irokoi Zoushi
Every chapter is kind of an episode of it's own and they all end up with some super fluffy scenes. There's not much drama, this manga is definitely the wholesome type (but still has a lot of cute smut) so the characters' interactions aren't particularly original and the author doesn't really try to deeply explore their emotions. Even so, this manga is an absolute gem in terms of cultural references related to japan's traditions. This is probably the manga that relies the most on those elements out of all the ones I've read and actually makes them work together with the characters and plot so well. I know nothing about gods, shrines or the zodiac but even when they went heavy with the details it was never hard to follow or boring. All in all it's probably not one of my favorites but it sure has its strong points and I could easly recommend it to anyone looking for a light and cute read.
I love this kind of story, it feels very natural and real and it's both soft and mature. The art is beautiful too
Gotou-san wa Ore wo Kaitai
One night Akira was approached by the 10-years-older Goto who says he wants to "buy him" for the night. Akira takes him up on his offer and soon discovers that despite making such a bold move, the man is a total newbie at relationships. At the hotel Goto reveals that the reason he wanted to have sex with Akira was because he reminded him of his highschoool crush and thought of making Akira act as his stand-in to fulfill his lingering desires
Papa no Sukinahito
Aaaah so cuuute the little girl is adorable
Unmei no Hito to Deaeru Koisuru Apuri