Pussy King Sama no Akuheki
Not really fond of this one since I'm not into promiscuous characters so I honestly just skimmed through most parts. I was hopping for Fati to realize and admit to himself that he would only want to be taken by Kadori and no one else but he wasn't really able to do that and almost went through having sex with his admirer. Fortunately, Kadori's got the balls to save his man tho. It's not really that clear in the ending but I hope Fati becomes faithful towards Kadori despite his past promiscuous self and his insatiable sexual appetite.
Kogare Ouji no Dilemma
- The brother is one insecure, ungrateful bastard. His lil bro would've licked his path to the throne clean despite being a whole lot better of a person and probable ruler than him. - I was really triggered when Rashid just willingly "gave" Yuuto to his brother but THANKFULLY Yuuto wasn't actually taken by him. Damn u Rashid should've just done that from the start to spare Yuuto the heartache and the disgusting molestation. But well I do understand that the situation wasn't easy for Rashid either sooo TYL FOR THE HAPPY ENDING - Despite all the dramas, Rashid is actually a sweet and faithful alpha. Not a promiscuous one despite having the privilege of owning a harem, and he doesn't actually look down on omegas despite being an alpha prince. - ALSO, HOORAY FOR A NON-RAPIST ALPHA!!! HOORAY FOR CONSENT! HOORAY FOR MUTUAL LOVE AND CONSENSUAL PAIRING!!!
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