Mayday mayday mayday!
Yet another censored manga but its freaking hot af!!!! 4.5/5 Edit: reread again and still love it!!
Honey Maple More More Sugar
Hilarious! Wish there was this a 4.7/5
Evening Dinner
I took my time reading this cuz it's worth it. Wish it would continue and it's perfect fit after reading lengthy or heavy mangas/novels. I love both ml and mc, got a little annoyed and also laughed right after. Theres points in story where i wish were built upon just to make this lenghtier, the story is still awesome tho. 4.8/5!!!
Love Shuttle
Stopped at 73. Reread the whole damn thing cuz this is fucking hot!!!! Edit: Finished!!! 5stars out of 5 Starz!!! I want more! Both main and aide stories...ahh so beautiful, so riveting, so funny, so cute, so SEXY!!!! Bed scenes and bedroom eyes are so hot!!!
Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
So cute!!!! 4.7/5
Hentai Shitsuji Kara Nigerare Masen