THIS IS SO GOOD OMG!!! the plot was nice the art was so beautiful and the smut 10 out of 10 amazing but i feel like the plot can be so much more dramatic to say the least TEEHEE but its not necessary tho. the author is the same one as paid and payback. WHAT I NEED IS THE STORY OF THE SIDE COUPLE OH LORD. i feel like the side couple suit my taste even more so than the main cp so PLSPLSPLS I NEED THE SIDE COUPLE STORYYY
kiss on the piano
this is such a disappointment for real ill give it 4/10 IT HAS A GOOD INTRO THAT CAN BE VERY USEFULL FOR THE CLIMAX BUT NO the author just decided to put all that good plot to trash and make the climax as quick as possible… KAYA ANJINGG UKE NYAA NAIF BANGET KESEL kaya marah juga nggaa kaya marah menye menye doang anjing wtf the seme is a big red flag I WAS EXPECTONG FOR THE UKE AND SEME HAVE A BIG FIGHT BC OF WHAT HAPPEN AS IN HE MANIPULATED HIM AND ALL BUT NO THE CONFLICT WAS ALL ABOUT CONFESSION ONLY???? kaya anjirr trs yg selama ini di ceritain tentang manipulaifnya si seme tuh ap anjing?? ga guna gitu?? UKENYA JUGA MENYE MENYE BANGET kalo mau marah ya marah jangan setengah setengah kaya pas dia tau aslinya all he dis was like down TRS UDH WEH TETEP SUKA KAYA WTFFFFF ugh sebel banget kaya i want the seme to feel devastated because the uke ran away and angry and cold NOT THIS kaya okelah sebagian udh dapet TAPI UKENYA MASIH NERIMA NERIMA AJA TANPA ADA APA KEK GITU ANJIR WHERES UR PRIDE UKE??? cape bangett trs kaya more than dia menyesal karena apa yg dia perbuat lebih ke dia menyesal baru sadar dia sayang doang anjing apasihhh NOT EVERYTHING WOULD BE JUSTIFIED BC OF LOVE capekkkkk naif bodoh banget si uke trs si seme juga toxic banget pls ITU UKE LEMBEK BANGET KAYA PEMPEK
My Bias Appeared?!
loveeee it when the seme is regreting his action and got a proper reprimand from the uke
Love Is An Illusion