Aisuru Hito
Yummy yes charot it is most likely for an open minded like me or whatever. It is good i'm going to unique i did finish it because i just don't feel like finishing it i don't i did the story is good for what i over the week i don't want to meet me it because i don't want to know what happened but it's but i can say it's good would it's not ok it's not fine it's good so yeah i left it
I read this manga because of its title and cover yes if it is because of that the cover of if there is a girl and there is a man and the only thing that comes on my mind it's is historical and a romance but it's just a cure not pure i mean just historical and yes there is a ship on that but i'm i'm not into the ship because the story revolves about war and about a revenge of a certain man and that girl is to know the feeling of this story is is about the coolness of the war and you know i really love you story lalo na paghilik it's oh yeah
Actually i didn't read it i watch it so as i watch you i can say that this is josei i mean i mean at first i didn't want to watch it because i just a recommendation from a thing from another group that picture that i got see is about the other nana the black nana the image of her yes and then i just kind of like i want to watch it so i watch it so i watch it tusok sa puso
A Girl by the Sea