Ijimerare - The three owners of mine and my "woman" self
Do-S Idol Seishorigakari Stage Ura de Ai wo Sosogareru Tada Hitori no Onna
Omg what the fuck. I am actually so angry at this manga. Aki deserves better, tf. if i was him, i would never forgive those bitches. they RAPED him and he still remained close with them. also hated the slut shaming. calling him a whore, really? what the fuck does that make you then. bunch of fucking bullshit. and were we supposed to believe that toma is a "good guy" because he always loved aki blah blah blah. nah, dawg literally is a creep. second guy makes me want to kill myself. "I didnt want to do this"... then dont.... honest to god would have much preferred to see aki kill those mfs. haruto... meh. didnt stop aki from getting raped all to "protect aki's dream". no. just no. rape is literally so traumatizing so there is no way aki wouldve been fine irl. manga is not meant to be realistic, yeah, yeah. but this is still fucked. if u liked this manga.... crickets. cuz this shit is ass. also sidenote: never want to hear "cumbucket" ever. that is some cringey shit.
Brother, Don't Ruin Me…