Back to School: All Grown Up
I want to thank this AUTHORR for this masterpiece. It fkin shows the side of gay sex marriage and this is like the first time i have encountered this plott. It was so raw and completely realistic. I wont forget this manga because this ones in my dictionaryy
Introduction to the Theory of Love
Not impactful but definitely wholesome
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
NO.1 ROMANCR ISEKAI REINCARNATION STRONG GEMALE FUCKING LEAD RIGHT HERR BITCH!! I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT, I ALWAYS REREAD THIS BECAUSE IT HAS A SMALL PLACE IN MY HEARTT. I ABSOLUTELY WANT MOREE. you know at first i don't plan to reread this cus it wasn't completed. But ill regret it now if i don't read this early so i did and... I CRAVE FOR MORE. The art is top tier masterpiece. The story and plot is the main blueprint to all isekai manhwas out there and the chemistry between father and dauther really hits hard on me. I wish that the auther is healthy and can continue this series because there are fans dying over here. HAHAHAHA more lucas and Anastasia moments i CRAVE for more. Solid utang ng pilipinas/10
Walk on Water
Another gems right here! A masterpiece i might say... I really love plots where there are two separate people working on a manhwa. Where there is the one who is incharge of the art and one in the story. It has a great story telling, and the plot of this is suberb. And also the art is immaculate. It leaves me a strong impression. And because of the environment, i feel like this can happen in real life. Haha idontknow? I just feel it. And lets talk about the title. At first what is walk on water like does it connect to the actual story? But the last chapter says that glenn feels that their love is a miracle that he feel like he walks on water. Kyaaaa butterflies in my stomach im telling you!! There are just moments that i love the qoutes, it hits hard and from their storry tellib, i can see their love like i believe ib second chances where you can reflect on what you did wrong, and apologizing because you might lose the person you love that dealing with your pride. And being the better version of yourself for a better relationship. Thats what ive learned in this manhwa. Last is how ed just sufdenly cried when he recieved the money cus all his life he cannot have that amount of money and was always striving very hard to pay his debt. So wow he just deserves all the happiness. Their emotions are so well detailed that i im an empath towards all of them. Yeah i absolutely adore this author. Be healthy! Reccomend but for mature audience haha 10/10
19 Days
BITCH I DIDN'T EVEN PUT COMMENT TO THIS? like im shocked... So thats why there's no notif. Im sorry but all i can say to this, is that thise is extremely cute, all these years i have been following this, even tho its a little bit slow on the update, every chapter is will leave you full. Like you know what i mean? I don't know maybe im praising too much. But seriously one of the best shonen ai stories out there, small chapters but big impact. And the chemistry is ASTRONOMICAL. The best, no touchy smut but will leave you butterflies in your fuckin stomach. HAHAHA mixed feeling that i want this to finish, then a half don't cus i want more you know? Kinda sad its still slow but for you author im willing to wait!! More he tian moments pls, with spicesiness not sadness pls Of course its RECOMMENDED 1⁰00000/10
Akkan Baby
Probably one of the mangas that i cannot forget to this day. Like i already read this twice now because this has struck me and impact me. That's Why i can't forget it. When we talk about teenage pregnancy, what was our first impression? Is it in a negative side or are you more open to it. For me i respect teenage moms, but do i reccomend it, absolutely no. So these couples right here, i truly admire them to keep the baby, having the determination to lead his wife and the baby in a safe place. Like that hits you like a truck full of butterflies, that is so cute. Maybe i explain this jumbled cus im sleepy but This manga shows how two couples have to raise their baby. They are young, and stupid. That is why being educated about these things is the sole purpose of avoiding this. Also unprotected sex is something you should avoid. If you don't want the risk of having a baby. So these is also been not just a moral story, but a series filled with love, comedy, drama, and strength. Small chapters but a big impact to all. That's what a manga looks like right? Reccomended of course. 1b/10
Nanairo Kakumei
First thing that came to my mind, yuzu is a LESBIAN. HAHAAHA jk it was a trip to memory lane, i miss this manga. I feel somewhat nostaljic to this cus i remember reading this before and now suddenly i read my list, i suddenly have the erge to read this cus i remember a sociopath girl, obssessive over her friend. I only stop at 30 but there are also 7 chapters left so yeah. I enjoyed the story. Its cute, but sometimes my taste in romance have change like in past i remember i love this but now, its a little cringe. But hey ive matured but you know i enjoy reading stuff like this again. Not reccomend haha cus they got no taste. But 8/10
Papa Wolf and the Puppy