Finding You
oh oh?? its starting to get interesting that im getting invested into this~ but anyways, i really like the character designs, its hard to find mangas/manhwas/manhuas like yeah~ cant wait for more chapters~
Awairo Emaki
i found another one that could cleanse your soul !!~ okay okay okay, first of all, i loved this. its really cute !! the characters too~ ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ I'm starting to sound more and more cringey but idc anymore, ill sound so cringey that ill get yeeted out of the planet cause i loved this too much it broke the vibe check meter~ btw, I'm trying my best to find more of these !! (•̀o•́)~
Platinum Blood
see yall in hell tho.. but damn...why yall doing it in a church?? (;๏д๏)..i never said stop tho since, ill be seeing you both in hell !! and btw, i loved it. why? idk, just cause~
Feel Free to Hug Me
found another one that could cleanse your soul~ my soul is too dirty that i need to find more...but anyways, this is cute, i love it and will forever treasure this in my heart~ i want more chapters !! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈✿ฺ)
Your Dream Is Delicious
PLEASESHSDH WAAAHHH I FINALLY FOUND MY COUSINNN- AHem...sorry, i just lOvE incubuses and succubuses too much, idk why but i do and don't ask why (´°ω°`)!! but n e ways~ the characters and art style is the best. cant wait for this lmao...PLEASE UPDATESJJSJSGK !! please...( ; ; ) begging you, ill even bow down to you hjjjg imma try my best to find an incubus type of manga..but i feel like I've already read a few "iNcUbUsEs mAnGaS" or am i hallucinating..? well anyways, i want more ໒( •́ ∧ •̀ )७!!
Nagano Hymns
woah, lmao cant wait to read this too
The secret life of the demon king