Hello Again (Cho Bom)
on ch 5. and i was literally chanting saying stuff like "hEHheHEH kIll hEHhe kIll" LIKE WHY DID I FIND THIS FUNNY?? IM FUCKING CRAZY WTF
Pearl Boy
this-..this really caught me off guard (`〇Д〇) i fr thought it would be a "we make love and i repay with pearls" or something lmao...but nOo !! He CuM pEaRlS~ but i still like it tho (ノ・д・)ノ!! wish this would update~
Sorry I Couldn't Protect You!
its here its here its here !! okay i definitely love everything about this and were still on ch 0 (/^▽^)/!! the title seems sus but ill let it pass because i want more chapters (ノ・д・)ノ!! cant wait...but ill wait..just like a dog waiting for its owner..ill wait (´°ω°`)!!
The True Scandal
"Draw It Yourself." damn-..but idk how to draw tho...sigh, ill let it pass..anyways~ i love the art-style (´°ω°`)!! and the characters too~ but i can kinda see where this is going but ill act like i dont ( •́ ∧ •̀ )!! cant wait for more chapters~
Fatal Scents
Ameagari no Bokura ni Tsuite
the art style is really cute~ but the characters...i just wanna scream in their ears saying "AYO GO TALK TO EACHOTHER AND CLEAR UP THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS" like theyre so dumb..and to top it all off..they are AdULTs (。-人-。)!! but its also because of their dumb brains that im getting interested lmao cant wait for more chapters~
Fantasia World