Itonaga-kun no Koi no Ito
dirty talk plus mejo mejo kinks lool. if i were itogawa kun, id really hate him even ifi loved him. like the shit uve put me through, the fear you instilled inside me aaaaaaaaa. uke's kina whiny tho, and always blushing like a freaking tomato na mejo idislike hehe. but he can be bold at times
Futari de Papa Hajimemashita
THE BEEEEEEEEEST, ANG GANDA NG ART WTF plus it's warm. i liked the part na may letter yung nanay huhu everything feels complete. PLUS IT WAS UNCENSORED PRE YUN TALAGA
Come to Hand
BRO THIS MANGA LITERALLY DESERVES AN AWARD????? THAT PART WHEN THE KASUGA ASKED HIM IF HE WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE OR GIVE pota the amt of respecc i have for the seme hays plus yung first trip nila was really adorable huhu yung sa piano bichh
Vanilla Resort
stopped at vol 2 chap 8. im here for the prep stuff ppl r talking about on that certain subreddit and now that ive seen it it was quite interesting. the manga overall was ok, itnwas kinda bland on some parts i got bored at the end but what's really nice on this manga is the development like bruh they aint stupid esp temple-san
Ask Affection
made me feel anxious abt affection and love during sex lol i feel like im going to be messed uo and vulnerable if ever hahahsjsdjf skeri
Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx