frozen water seasoning's manga / #my fav mangas(27)

Ring my Bell

Complete | Yeongol | 2000 released

NAW BC THIS IS TOO FUCKING CUTE I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! simple but way too good. I want you back. Please come back. I don’t want to go on without you. PLEASEEEEEE

Moonlight Garden (Kang Unnie)

Complete | Kang Unnie,MissPM | 2017 released

RIP GRAY HAIRED GIRL FLY HIGH LIKE AN ANGEL HOPE YOU SEE SEXY WOMEN IN HEAVEN id get mad at myself for not writing longer but honestly i cant think of anything after exhausting all of my ability to write nonsense on the wdtfs comment. cool ig. i thought the empress was like an entire womanizer at first or that at least she had like a super hot gf who was by her side 24/7 but turns out who i thought was the super hot gf was literally. the. fucking. empress. herself. ???? i remember being so confused damn good old days


Ongoing | Aji | 2000 released

its finished... what am i gonna do now.... this was seriously the only reason i was alive my only motivation in life I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH SHITTTTJEJFJJEKDWJDJ dr ardens so underrated like damn ok ill take her if no one wants her OK I MIGHT HAVE EITHER BEEN LYING TO MYSELF OR I COULD HAVE CHANGED ID LET DR LEE HIT FORGIVE ME i would also go on a rant abt this one but its a monday and its currently 4:25 am and ive got school in like 2 fucking hours plus i have a test on tuesday so yeah it sucks i cant think positively anymore so do that later ig 1:55 am on a tuesday and i have no school tomorrow sux to b u ig lol

On A Leash

Ongoing | aji | 2000 released

IT'S SO GOOD WHATATATATATATA (except for the animal part but actually it somehow makes is more interesting) i take it back seeing ruce with a tail during cough cough makes my brain unable to function andddd i have realized i accidentally wrote mumy are you fucking serious how hot is she ch 128 i still havent forgotten the dream i had of her. its been like 3 years damn cant even remember what i dreamt of yesterday still my best dream im actually so scared ive never seen people in the comments pray and beg so hard for a happy ending im scared dude please dont die what the fck WDYM THE LAST CHAPTER IS 139???? HOW IS ALL OF THIS SUPPOSED TO COME TOGETHER IN TWO FUCKING CHAPTERS??? NUH UH I WANT MY BONUS HAPPY EVER AFTER CHAPTER TF YOU CANT LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THIS JUNCKER PLEADE JUST DIE YOI BITCHASS BIRD ALL OF THIS JUST BECAUSE YOU CSNT HANDLE THE FACT THAT YOU GET NO BITCHES LIKE YEAH YOU FUMBLED THE BADDEST BITCH ALIVE BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO GO CRAZY HOLD ON IM ABOUT TO SHIT MYSELF THE CHAOTERS ARE UP PLEADE TELL ME THESE ARENT THE LAST CHAOTERS IM ACTUALLY GONNA CRY THIS IS GONNA BE WORSE THAN GETTING HIT BY A TRUCK PLEADKEKRJWJ DONT LEAVE EM LOKE THIS LLEAREHEJE I HAVENT EVEN READ THE CHAOTERS YET OH MY FUCKING GOD HEP ME I CNT BRESHCJEH alright its timw im doinft this i axruallt had a fucking heart attack half way through i cant do this anymore this cant be over how am i going to live after this Man im really gonna miss them. After 3 years of reading this lowkey became a part of my life. I’m actually going to miss them so much it’s fucking crazy. It honestly hurts knowing I’m about to change it to already read. The new stuff doesn’t feel like this. Nothing feels like this. Nothing feels the same anymore. This was one of the few things I had but now it’s finished too. I’m not complaining though. The ending was beautiful. I’m happy the author didn’t kill her. I mean the last 2 chapters did feel a little rushed compared to the other chapters but maybe that’s because I’m used to the early chapters. Seriously though during the first chapters I was praying for them to not try to kill each other. Now I’m praying for them to finally get the life they deserve. Crazy how attached you can get to fictional characters. Didn’t even realize how important they were to me. I’m definitely gonna cringe while reading this but idk man it’s kinda fucking sould crushing seeing “End” instead of “To be continued”. It’s gonna feel weird not seeing this in my updates. Won’t be able to wait for weekly updates even if I want to. Don’t think I’m gonna update this comment either. Don’t think I’ll re-read. I wouldn’t be doing it any justice. Plus it’ll never be like the first time. I’m glad I picked this up as it was being updated. Man. holy fucking fuck i lost the time i first added this. I’ll actually never forgive myself. I’ll actuslly never fucking forhive myself. I know it’s meaningless but come on dude. Now its at the very top of the list. Why is this sad. I just remember it saying 2021 I fumvled so hard probably around 02-10.01.2021. im so sorry

Tamen De Gushi

Ongoing | Tan Jiu | 2000 released

y they lowkey look like ymir and historia let me live its sad that i could put this in the depression list thank you author for at least drawing like short sketches but i still miss them so much you dont understand ☹️ i miss seeing them talk to each other, i miss the other characters like wheres mophead, bear dude, shorter dude whos being hit on by another dude, nerd guy, qui tongs friend in the track and field club or whatever, the girl who was into sun jing, the girl with the short black hair who slept on mopheads shoulder, etc etc like the list goes on for way longer which literally just proved to me that the characters + the artstyle are one of thr most memorable ones ive everrr seen this was just someting else man ☹️ well at least im glad i got to see it ig. goodbye sun jing and qui tong hold on did they grow up bc if they did im gonna launch myself off a mountain i cant take this this is not helping my early life crisis no i cant live if sun jing and qui tong arent highschoolers dont do this to me