this easily could've been a good story. at first it seemed like it was building up to keith confronting his feelings and slowly breaking down his hard exterior with the help of yeonwoo. in a way, that *was* what happened, except the whole realization came at the cost of yeonwoo. the entire point of yeonwoo moving in w keith was because he was traumatized by his assault and wanted to get help so he could function like a normal person. instead of helping yeonwoo back on his feet, keith became the thing yeonwoo was afraid of in the first place. in fact, he went a step further and forced himself FULLY, not once, but twice. plus that bs with the marking situation + pregnancy that gave the author an excuse to keep them together. an ending where yeonwoo flees keith and leaves him alone forever would've been better than putting them together. there is a way to handle rape in stories without glorifying it, and if you are going to add it, handle it correctly. take notes from kiraide isasete, where the assault on the mc actually helps him grow as a character, who does NOT GET WITH SAID RAPIST. i'm sick of omegaverses where none of the love interests see consequences for their actions. and the whole situation with keith utilizing threats and coercian and literally ensuing an entire manhunt for yeonwoo is even more of a reason for them to not be together. keith never loved this man and never would have were it not for the sex. if the sex with yeonwoo wasn't good, then i can guarantee his feelings would've never changed. it's not sincere and frankly disgusting. this is the first story i couldn't bring myself to finish fully despite trying my best. i got within 8 episodes of the end and i had to drop it because i already knew they would end up together from people's photos.
Kiss me, Liar