Miss Not-So Sidekick
it had the most thorough ending everything gets resolved & everyone who matters gets a good ending--WITHOUT trailing off rom the main pairing!
Yuujin ga Yuusha
i wanted the demon king to get introduced to the shepherd as the hero's lover. Also: the ending sucked ass. separating lovers after they realize they have mutual feelings for each other over & over again & then to end on the time that they're separated---shitty ending.
Shinigami wa Korosenai
there's some sad notes to it but the ending totally wipes them out! such a sweet ending~ it's been so long~~
Jikyuu Jisoku de Nani ga Warui
best friend living together, both virgins, try to lose their virginities together, end up in love after some trial & error
"The Villainess" and The Woman Who Would Do Anything for the Sake of Love
I Am the Evil Wife of a Young Husband (Promo)
100% Love Gauge/Love Gauge 100%
2 otakus that look like game characters & a game characterending
The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest