It’s better than the original, they have a such a sweet, loving, and healthy relationship that it barely compares to any other thing that I have read. I adore how they can be themselves while also being happy with each other, the consideration they take into each other show the depth in which they care for their relationship and more importantly the other person. By far the best thing I have ever read.
When I Quit Being a Corporate Slave
Link in the hole
I’m really sure it already ended because the chapter 10 felt like the resolution towards the end. Anyway, I like it, don’t love it though. The characters lack Andy depth and I would have liked to know if they actually got together.
I love that he got jealous, I also love the romance and how one of them was so shy but was still so open to receive the others’ love. It’s soooooo cute, I HAVE TO READ AGAIN!!!
Yagi the Bookshop Goat
Suuuuper cute, I will definitely want to read again in the future, I just hope I remember what it’s about later on.
Introduction to the Theory of Love