My Calypso
Beautiful, no words can describe how much I love the romance. The cuteness of it all, the amount of communication, the sacrifices both of them make for each other. That was their definition of love that everyone who read and enjoyed this loved so much. The chapters were just the right amount not too much, not too little.
Link in the hole
I’m really sure it already ended because the chapter 10 felt like the resolution towards the end. Anyway, I like it, don’t love it though. The characters lack Andy depth and I would have liked to know if they actually got together.
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
I really like the premise and it’s hilarious. I also like the relationship and how they become more understanding of each other throughout the continuation of the story. I should definitely re read this.
Didn’t like the rape, but as they explained it at the end, it made more sense why the author included it. I love how the story doesn’t leave anything important unresolved, even if it’s things from 20 chapters ago, everything had a reason and was explained throughly why I adored. I love the romance as well, they didn’t just show they having sex, but also showed the cuter side like going on dates and waking up to each other. I like how supportive they are to each other and every other romance in the manwha, especially the one with Sven and Steven (I think) as well as Noah and the blondie.
Voice of Love