Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
Words can't explain how much I loved reading this. I drown with my tears, I really loved it.
Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari
This shit is so fucked up. I love it.
Kiss wa Tsugai ni Hizamazuku
Made me tear up, right in the feels. So impactful. Damn. T^T) SNIFF
Loss Time ni Hanamuke o
You don't understand how much I love this manga. IT WAS SO CUTE AND SAD AND BEAUTIFUL AND HOT AND AND... AND WHOLE. INSPIRING AND TEARING ME TO BITS BCS DAMN DID I CRY AND SNIFFLE READING THIS MASTERPIECE. augh... (╯︵╰,) I'd deffo buy the english translation if it ever gets published as a physical book.
Cultivator x Contract Spirit
Now at chapter 93, a new Arc at last, and it's about Master Bei! I'm so excited to giggle and fawn and swoon and CRY. We already know what will happen at the end........ and it'll hurt like shit. (POOR DEER BOY, ESPECIALLY MASTER BEI) I'm already sad just thinking about it Q^Q) Still, looking forward for the next chapters, and see how their story will go and unfold! Thank you, uploader~<3
Love Tractor