doki's manga / #comedy(112)

Papa Is A Bride?

Complete | JUNG I-lu,KIM Su-jin | 2000 released

Film Emperor's Reincarnation Script

Complete | | 2000 released

Cute Lovers!!!!! Poor child " the owner of the body" sob sob re-read! 18/01/2023

Too Close

Complete | JiJing Jun , Shou | 2000 released
2020-12-31 01:45 marked

Uhm till now very interesting! But Is It complete? Let me know if there are other chapters please! 126 Chapters + 4 Specials (Complete)

Totally Captivated

Complete | YOO Ha jin | 2008 released

I loved It!! The plot, the art ,charas everything Is such a masterpiece!! Il ritmo della storia e l'intensità.. è qualcosa che ti coinvolge completamente. È una storia drammatica, comica e tremendamente romantica. I protagonisti hanno un passato difficile e personalità abbastanza contorte ma raggiungono la felicità insieme. Ci sono personaggi che gli supportano incondizionatamente. Amici che soffrono per loro. The Yakuza guys "cough businessmen" were so good and loyal. They showed so much support!! The old man is....dunno let's leave him! I only forgive him cause in his ways he took care of Mookyul. My Moon Is really a good guy he loved the Sly Fox but even though he couldn't get him and was often Just a shoulder to cry on he never abbandoned his friend. Jiho poor baby to he loved the Sly Fox , got cheated on and later even forgave him.. he still consider Ewon very dear. He Is so lovely I Hope he Is Happy with Is new love! Moon find happiness too!! As for Mookyul and Ewon they deserve the love cause they had such a nasty wonder they are kinda twisted. I Hope they stay together forever cause they love each other very much. They can't bear to be apart! This was so romantico. I really liked It!!! It's 05:43 am 5 Jan 2021 Ready It again in 28/11/2023 finished at 12:06 still my fav

Candy Man

Complete | Chanok,Romantic Restaurant | 2019 released

Crazy in love

Complete | Ki Bom, Kiriun | 2000 released

Myungjun Sunbaeeee! Was so sweet and good!


Complete | aivan | 2000 released

Masterpiece~ This was a great story. The plot the fantasy everything. I loved how It was made and told. I Ghost lady helped Ren and Kiran in the end and found peace ( She died but..She was already dead and a Ghost) I do feel sad but She finally found love and peace. Kiran and Ren are Happy together and Immortal. The other girls are fine bit Dambi..poor Dambi and the future Empress. I m sad about Van cause he Is left alone..but Kiran cared about him that's for sure. And Wha-Ran and Ren's father I think they will live happy although I Hope they meet again. Ren's father cried..and Ren to cause he Is leaving his family but I Hope they meet again. Kiran and Ren are special to each other I dunno if It's love or a great pure affection but it's a really important One. They choosed each other and will live together happy and Forever. (Where Is my kiss?) Cough! This was really good!!!!!!!!

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru

Complete | Odagiri Hotaru | 2006 released

It was a great plot but there Is no ending. I would have loved It to continue but I think that's it I really loved the story. I would've liked to see Yuki Remember everything cause I m curious. It's Always like this..the manga I like the most end like this. I want to know what happens after? Really! Will Yuki and Luka end up together? And what about everyone else? Can Kanata San and Takashiro San be saved? poor Masamune? Where Is Sairi kun? And Poor Rou.... What about everyone's Destiny? Will their suffering ever end? Can they find happiness? I want to see them Happy!! Please why this suffering..But anyway thanks for this wonderful reading. It was really interesting. Masterpiece~ still the End.. I read that the author got sick and dropped the story. I Hope..I Hope It's not the end. I want to know what happens!! I want a Closure! I have been reading this for 3 nights until 6:00 am in the morning. From 18-19-20 and today Is Sunday 06:17 am feb 2021 I really liked the story and I know I May sound stupid but I really Hope the author picks It up again. Hope PS: this was one of the first mangas (I think) ( there were others maybe) that got me into BL I can never forget about it. I First watched the anime than many Years later came back here to the manga itself. I've waited so long for the manga to be completed and in the end there are no answers. But this Masterpiece always catched my eyes. Will there be future for this Opera? If there are news tell me! I Will be waiting. There Is another manga? It has 1 Volume where can I find It? Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitte Iru - Shinkou ni Tokeyuku Omoi no Hate ni

Komatta Toki Ni Wa Hoshi Ni Kike!

Complete | abe miyuki | 1997 released

I really loved this. No words. Such feelings and life potrayed so well! I love all of them because they are all so strong! I doesn't matter what they suffered they willn't surrender. Un manga bellissimo. L'autore come ha descritto e disegnato i sentimenti umani e la vita di tutti giorni ha reso quest'opera un assoluto capolavoro!! Ho passato 5 notti a leggere e ogni volta facevo fatica a staccarmi. Tutti i personaggi sono così unici con il loro passato, presente e il desiderio del futuro che vogliono condividere con le persone a loro care. Non ho parole poteri soffermarmi su personaggi ma non lo farò troppo doloroso e nostalgico. Mi mancherà quest'opera. I personaggi hanno avuto una vita difficile eppure sono determinati ad essere felice e a perdonare. Kiyomine e l'abuso e la solitudine che ha sofferto nei primi anni della sua vita è stato un duro colpo.. così come Takara e le persone care a lui che ha perso.. vivere lontano dal padre per tutti quei anni..sono due persone che insieme si sono completate. Gli altri personaggi sono adorabili e ottimo amici..sono commossa poiché le loro personalità sono state descritte molto bene insieme ai loro pregi e la vita che hanno vissuto anche loro insieme a sofferenze e dolore. Ma tutte queste persone insieme sono diventate più forte. Mizuno Is so cute and cool? Too ciò?! E misterioso.. enigmatico! Asou Is so handsome!!!! And funny lol!! Aritomo Is super kind and cute and funny. Nitta Is nice and a beauty poor he Is to suffered but I m happy now he Is fine. Koi Is so handsome nn mi è piaciuto il fatto che abbia lasciato solo tutti abbiamo certe ferite e adoro la sua passione per la fotografia e il mondo, le sue idee. Ayako Is beautiful and kind. Masaya Is cooool! Nanase and Mutsumi are so nice and super nice!!!! And cute! They take care of Takare so lovely. Aki Is funny and too much sometime!!! Really.. Ho adorato Reiichi e il suo carattere così speciale. Il suo supportoo che ha dato ai vari personaggi così come ha supportato sempre Takara e Kiyomine. Okuno and Reiichi sono così affidabili. Ovviamente il rapporto fra Takara e Kiyomine è molto molto speciale..chissà quanto? Be' mi piacerebbe un definizione del loro rapporto (love?) ma importante è che rimangano insieme per sempre loro due e tutti quanti. Mi mancheranno... A sequel? Sob 06:40 Sabat 27 febbraio 2021 5+ notti di lettura. My Heart feels lonely I m gonna miss em

Hana to Kurumi to Amai Seikatsu

Complete | Ryouko | 2000 released
2021-03-05 00:08 marked