Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!
Rd730 21st Century 4-koma/Yonkoma Addlebrained Character/s Airhead/s Best Friends Big Breasts Chasing After Love Interest Childhood Friend/s Clingy Friend Comedic Misunderstanding/s Comedic Undertone Comedic Violence Dense Female Lead Dense Male Lead Dense When It Comes To Love Directionally Challenged Character/s Dojo Easily Embarrassed Female Lead Episodic Extended Flashbacks Fellow Disciple/s Female Lead Falls in Love First Flashbacks Friends Become Lovers Friendship High School High School Student/s Important Secondary Character/s In Love With One's Best Friend Innocent Female Lead Jealous Friend Jealousy Karate Male Demographic with Female Lead Manipulation Masculine Female Lead Masculine Female Love Interest Meddling Friend/s Mistaken Gender Misunderstanding/s Mother and Daughter Multiple Couples Mutual Unrequited Love Possessive Friend Protective Friend/s Quirky Character/s Rich Character/s Rivalry Rushed Ending / Axed School School Club/s Serious/Studious Character/s Sexual Innuendo Short Chapter/s Strong Female Lead Strong Male Lead Teasing Character/s Tomboy/s Tsukkomi Character/s Unrequited Love Becomes Requited Violent Character/s Violent Female Lead Violent Male Lead Web Comic Young Mother
Crimson Karma Webtoon 5-9 10 12-14 17-19 21-26 28 29 30-35 37-39 41-49 50 51 54 55 57-59 60 Cry 18 A Change in Art Style Androgynous Character/s Androgynous Female Lead Assassin/s Badass Female Lead Based on a Novel Conspiracy/ies Deterioration in Art Style European Ambience Female Protagonist Full Color Isekai Kingdom/s Knight/s Long-Haired Male Lead Mage/s Magic Military Military Background Multiple POVs Multiple Reincarnated Individuals Prince/s Protagonist Strong from the Start Reincarnated in Another World Romantic Subplot Short-Haired Female Lead Smart Female Lead Soldier/s Spy/ies Strong Female Lead Strong Male Lead War/s Warfare Webtoon A Change in Art Style Androgynous Character/s Androgynous Female Lead Assassin/s Badass Female Lead Based on a Novel Conspiracy/ies Deterioration in Art Style European Ambience Female Protagonist Full Color Historical Fantasy Isekai Kingdom/s Knight/s Long-Haired Male Lead Mage/s Magic Military Military Background Multiple POVs Multiple Reincarnated Individuals Prince/s Protagonist Strong from the Start Reincarnated in Another World Romantic Subplot Short-Haired Female Lead Smart Female Lead Soldier/s Spy/ies Strong Female Lead Strong Male Lead War/s Warfare Webtoon Androgynous Character/s Androgynous Female Lead Assassin/s Badass Female Lead Based on a Novel Conspiracy/ies Female Protagonist Full Color Isekai Kingdom/s Knight/s Mage/s Magic Military Military Background Multiple POVs Prince/s Reincarnated in Another World Romantic Subplot Smart Female Lead Soldier/s Spy/ies Strong Female Lead War/s Warfare Web Comic Webtoon
Emperor And The Female Knight