Hana to Sumi
Beer Calligraphy Childhood Friend/s Drinking Dubious Consent Flashbacks Flower Arrangement Friends Grow Distant Handsome Seme Japan Jealousy Love Rival/s Possessive Seme Rape Rape as a Start of Relationship Scandal/s Social Media Straight Seme Traditional Clothes Unexpressed Feeling/s Unrequited Love
Cultivator x Contract Spirit
Rd50 Cultivation Cute Fox Boy/s Fox Spirit Full Color Magic Partners Partnership
The Royal Prince's First Love
Rd5? Tapa 48/56 22 31? 33? 34 45 46 skipped special 47 48 50? 51(60 62 63 64 66 67)? Academy Beautiful Artwork Biting Blonde-Haired Male Lead Collar/s Dead Parent/s Handsome Male Lead Opposites Attract Prince/s Royalty
Mayonaka no Acchimono
2vol read mangahasu Fire God Possessive Animal Ears Tsundere Transform Doesn’t know how to express feelings Hidden Feelings Violence Abuse Abusive Devoted Worshipped Idolization Admiration Devotion Revere Revery Age Gap Borderline Pedo Student Younger Seme Older Uke Height Difference Friends Offering Possession Seme-like Uke (Uke-like Seme) Attempted Murder Celebrity/ies Corpses Cruel Lover/s Demon-God Relationship Demon/s Exorcism Goat/s God-Human Relationship God/s Hidden Power/s Human-Nonhuman Relationship Incest Inferiority Complex Insecure Character Jealousy Long-Haired Male Lead Makeover/s Master-Servant Relationship Monster/s Orphan/s Persistent Uke Plain-Looking Male Lead Realistic Body/ies Rescuing from Death Seme-like Uke Souls Sword/s Transformation/s Uke-like Seme Uncle-Nephew Relationship Unexpressed Feeling/s Unrequited Love Becomes Requited
Tenchou, Koi Desu.
Bisexual Seme X Seme Jealousy Employees Switch Positions Blunt Age Gap Boss-Subordinate Relationship Bossy Subordinate/s Collection of Stories Convenience Store/s Coworker Relationships Coworker/s Finding Love Again Honest Seme Jealousy Misunderstanding/s Older Uke Younger Seme Part-Time Job Scar/s Seme Turned Uke Smoking Stoic Seme Sweet Tooth University Student/s
Bukiyouna Lion
Acting Actor/s Beauty Mark Cold Uke Filming Handsome Seme Honest Seme Jealousy Love Confession/s Oblivious to Love Interest's Feelings Popular Male Lead Seme's POV Sensitive Seme Suppressing One's Feelings Talent Agency Theater
You're My Princess
Check TOOMICS Appearance Different from Personality Cat Cafe Cat/s Chasing After Love Interest Handsome Seme High School High School Student/s Honors Student/s Jealousy Kind Seme Mismatched Couple Misunderstood Character/s Opposites Attract Scholar/s School Idol Seme Falling in Love First Stalkerish Male Lead Student Council President Student-Student Relationship Teenage Intercourse Unpopular Protagonist Unrequited Love
Lingua dolce
LONGER Straight Biting Dense Fight Violence Caring Kind Kisses Kissing Greetings Muscular Seme Chef/s Coworker Relationships Coworker/s Dubious Consent Forced Living Arrangements Foreigner/s Jealousy Kiss/es Multiple Love Interests Patissier/s Playboy Seme Playboy/s Promiscuous Seme Restaurant Straight Uke
First Come, First Served