Dance with the Devil
Rd15 skipto48&51 only read 1st couple of 3 First couple 1-15 33 48 51 54 Second couple 16-33 Third couple 34-48 Bittersweet Ending Collection of Inter-Linked Stories Demon Seme Past Life/ves Reincarnation Traumatic Past
Kumo desu ga, nani ka?
Rd63 Insects Cheat Skill Game Elements Survival Monsters Dungeons Determine Careful Meticulous Summoned Weak to strong Ability Steal Absorb Ability Absorb Power Second Chance Accelerated Growth Adapted to Anime Appearance Changes Appearance Different from Personality Arachne Bad Experiences Bald Protagonist Based on a Novel Based on a Web Novel Battle/s Beast/s Beautiful Female Lead Bee/s Cannibalism Capable Female Lead Careful Leading Character/s Cave Cell Phone/s Character Growth Character/s Living an Inhuman Life Character/s Who Hunt/s Their Own Kind Cheat Skill/s Clairvoyance Clever Female Lead Comedic Facial Expressions Comedic Moments in a Serious Manga Comedic Undertone Competent Female Lead Corpses Creative Female Lead Cunning Female Lead Demon Lord/King Determined Female Lead Disfigurement Dragon/s Drawn by Hentai Artist Dungeon/s Dungeon/s Exploring Eccentric Female Lead Elements Evolution Exploration Eye Powers Fantasy Creature/s Fantasy World Fast Growth Female Protagonist First-Person Narrative Frog/s Game Elements Gamer/s Genius Protagonist Giant Monster/s Glutton/s Healing Power Hideout High School Student/s Human Becomes Demon/Monster Hunting Illusions Imminent Death Immortal Female Lead Immortal Protagonist Immortality Improvisation Inhuman Female Lead Injury/ies Insect Girl/s Insect/s Intelligent Protagonist Isekai Kill or Be Killed Situation Knight/s Labyrinth/s Lack of Communication Language Barrier Level System Life-Changing Event/s Lives of People Entertain Unseen Forces Lizard/s Loner Protagonist Mage/s Magic Magic Powers Magical Engineering Male Demographic with Female Lead Marionette/s Massacre Mind Reading Monkey/s Monster Girl/s Monster POV Monster World Monster/s Multiple Reincarnated Individuals Mysterious Location Near-Death Experience Non-Human Protagonist Normal to Abnormal Overcoming Adversity Overpowered Overpowered Female Lead Overpowered Protagonist Paralysis Poison/s Pop Culture References Post-Apocalyptic Power of Foresight Pragmatic Female Lead Pride Regeneration Reincarnated as a Monster Reincarnated in another world Reincarnation RPG Second Chances Self-Reliant Protagonist Skill Growth Skill/s Snake/s Special Ability/ies Spider/s Split Personality Strategic Minds Strong Antagonist/s Strong Female Lead Sudden Acquisition of Power/s Sudden Strength Gain Suffering Summoned Creatures Summoner Super Senses Survival Survival of the Fittest System Administrator Taboo Tactical Female Lead Tactics Teleportation Transported to Another World Underground Underground World Unique Female Lead Unique Protagonist Unusual First Meeting Violence Weak to Strong Weaponized Monster/s Accelerated Growth Adapted to Anime Appearance Changes Appearance Different from Personality Arachne Bad Experiences Bald Protagonist Based on a Novel Based on a Web Novel Battle/s Beast/s Beautiful Female Lead Bee/s Cannibalism Capable Female Lead Careful Protagonist Cave Cell Phone/s Character Growth Character/s Living an Inhuman Life Character/s Who Hunt/s Their Own Kind Cheat Skill/s Clairvoyance Clever Female Lead Comedic Facial Expressions Comedic Moments in a Serious Manga Comedic Undertone Competent Female Lead Corpses Creative Female Lead Cunning Female Lead Demon Lord/King Determined Female Lead Disfigurement Dragon/s Drawn by Hentai Artist Dungeon/s Dungeon/s Exploring Eccentric Female Lead Elements Evolution Exploration Eye Powers Fantasy Creature/s Fantasy World Fast Growth Female Fighter/s Female Protagonist First-Person Narrative Frog/s Game Elements Gamer/s Gender Swapped Character/s Genius Protagonist Giant Monster/s Glutton/s Healing Power Hideout High School Student/s Human Becomes Non-human Hunting Illusions Imminent Death Immortal Female Lead Immortal Protagonist Immortality Improvisation Injury/ies Insect Girl/s Insect/s Intelligent Protagonist Isekai Kick-Ass Female Lead Kill or Be Killed Situation Knight/s Labyrinth/s Lack of Communication Language Barrier Level System Life-Changing Event/s Lives of People Entertain Unseen Forces Lizard/s Loner Protagonist Mage/s Magic Magic Powers Magical Engineering Male Demographic with Female Lead Marionette/s Massacre Mind Reading Monkey/s Monster Girl/s Monster POV Monster World Monster/s Multiple Reincarnated Individuals Mysterious Location Near-Death Experience Nonhuman Female Lead Nonhuman Protagonist Normal to Abnormal Overcoming Adversity Overpowered Overpowered Female Lead Overpowered Protagonist Paralysis Poison/s Pop Culture References Post-Apocalyptic Power of Foresight Pragmatic Female Lead Pride Regeneration Reincarnated as a Monster/Nonhuman Reincarnated in another world Reincarnation RPG Self-Reliant Protagonist Skill Growth Skill/s Snake/s Special Ability/ies Spider/s Split Personality Strategic Female Lead Strategic Minds Strong Antagonist/s Strong Female Lead Sudden Acquisition of Power/s Sudden Strength Gain Suffering Summoned Creatures Summoner/s Super Senses Survival Survival of the Fittest System Administrator Taboo Tactics Teleportation Time Rewind Transported to Another World Underground Underworld Society Unique Female Lead Unique Protagonist Unusual First Meeting Violence Weak to Strong Weaponized Monster/s
Rd60 21st Century Adapted to Anime Adapted to Live Action Adapted to Movie Antihero / Antiheroine Award-Nominated Work Blood and Gore Calm Male Lead Calm Protagonist Childhood Friend/s Cold Male Lead Dark Ambience Emotionless Character/s Experiment/s Fugitive/s Ghost/s Human Experiment/s Hunted Protagonist Immortal/s Immortality Inhuman Power Invincible Protagonist Japan Murder/s Non-Human Protagonist On the Run Partially Adapted to Anime Practical Protagonist Scientist/s Selfish Male Lead Smart Male Lead Strong Male Lead Super Powers Torture Violence Young Male Lead 21st Century Adapted to Anime Adapted to Live Action Adapted to Movie Antihero / Antiheroine Award-Nominated Work Blood and Gore Calm Male Lead Calm Protagonist Childhood Friend/s Cold Male Lead Dark Ambience Emotionless Character/s Experiment/s Fugitive/s Ghost/s Human Experiment/s Hunted Protagonist Immortal/s Immortality Inhuman Power Invincible Protagonist Japan Murder/s Non-Human Protagonist On the Run Partially Adapted to Anime Practical Protagonist Scientist/s Selfish Male Lead Smart Male Lead Strong Male Lead Super Powers Torture Violence Young Male Lead 21st Century Adapted to Anime Adapted to Live Action Adapted to Movie Antihero / Antiheroine Award-Nominated Work Blood and Gore Calm Male Lead Calm Protagonist Childhood Friend/s Cold Male Lead Dark Ambience Emotionless Character/s Experiment/s Fugitive/s Ghost/s Human Experiment/s Hunted Protagonist Immortal/s Immortality Inhuman Power Invincible Protagonist Japan Male Protagonist Murder/s Nonhuman Protagonist On the Run Partially Adapted to Anime Pragmatic Protagonist Scientist/s Selfish Male Lead Smart Male Lead Strong Male Lead Super Powers Torture Violence Young Male Lead
Dragon throne
Annoying Male Lead Annoying Protagonist Arrogant Character/s Cheat Skill/s Chinese Ambient Chinese Folklore Cultivation Dragon Bloodline Dragon King/s Dragon/s Immortal/s Male Protagonist Short Chapter/s System Administrator Transmigration
Mayonaka no Acchimono
2vol read mangahasu Fire God Possessive Animal Ears Tsundere Transform Doesn’t know how to express feelings Hidden Feelings Violence Abuse Abusive Devoted Worshipped Idolization Admiration Devotion Revere Revery Age Gap Borderline Pedo Student Younger Seme Older Uke Height Difference Friends Offering Possession Seme-like Uke (Uke-like Seme) Attempted Murder Celebrity/ies Corpses Cruel Lover/s Demon-God Relationship Demon/s Exorcism Goat/s God-Human Relationship God/s Hidden Power/s Human-Nonhuman Relationship Incest Inferiority Complex Insecure Character Jealousy Long-Haired Male Lead Makeover/s Master-Servant Relationship Monster/s Orphan/s Persistent Uke Plain-Looking Male Lead Realistic Body/ies Rescuing from Death Seme-like Uke Souls Sword/s Transformation/s Uke-like Seme Uncle-Nephew Relationship Unexpressed Feeling/s Unrequited Love Becomes Requited
Dial Again
Rd16 Contract Boss X Subordinate Boss Virgin Adoption Amnesia Birth Mark/s Blood and Gore Blue-Eyed Male Lead Bodyguard/s Brother/s CEO Company President Dead Parent/s Death Director/s Full Color Gun/s Handsome Seme Handsome Uke Immortal Male Lead Immortal/s Immortality Invincible Protagonist Kidnapping/s Knife Mafia Manipulative Lover Memory Erase Orphan/s Orphanage Piercing/s Rape Red Eyes Reluctant Protagonist Rich Seme Scar/s Sister-in-Law Special Ability/ies Tattoo/s Underground World Web Comic Webtoon Wet Dreams
Blood Link
1 2 4-9 12-18 22 26-28 30-33 35 37-39 40 42-49 50-53 55-58 61 65-69 70-79 80-8486 87 89 90 92-96 98 99 100-109 111-119 120 122-129 130 131 133-135 Cry65(time Skip) 99 128 135com Cry alot Love realistic portrayal of the couple and their lives Golden Eyes White Hair C section/caesarean section Scars Experiments Scientist Research Imprinted Dilluted bloodline Pureblood Hybrid Overwritten memory Memory Loss Near death Time progression Four generations Grandchildren Great grandparents Siblings Sisters Bloodbrothers Memory Eraser Memory Wipe Memory Loss Manipulation Brainwashed Mind reading Interlinked consciousness Intertwined Animal Ears Animal Tail Famous Modeling Rich Lonely Change of Protagonist Death of Loved One/s Fast Romance Full Color Hetero Sex in Yaoi Manga Human-Nonhuman Relationship Hybrid/s Immortality LGBT Parent/s Loving Family Male Pregnancy Manly Gay Couple Masculine Uke Model/s Modeling Multiple Sexual Partners Muscle/s Muscular Male Lead Muscular Seme Older Seme Younger Uke Pushover Senpai-Kouhai Relationship Sex Friends Become Lovers Star-Crossed Lovers Straight Uke Strong Male Lead Time Skip University Student/s Vampire Protagonist Vampire/s Web Comic Webtoon Werewolf/ves Black-Haired Seme Change of Protagonist Dark/Tan Skin Male Lead Death of Loved One/s Experiment/s Fast Romance Full Color Golden/Yellow-Eyed Seme Handsome Seme Handsome Uke Hetero Sex in Yaoi Manga Human-Nonhuman Relationship Hybrid/s Immortality LGBT Parent/s Loving Family Male Pregnancy Manly Gay Couple Masculine Uke Model/s Modeling Multiple Sexual Partners Muscle/s Muscular Male Lead Muscular Seme Older Seme Younger Uke Senpai-Kouhai Relationship Sex Friends Become Lovers Special Blood Star-Crossed Lovers Straight Uke Strong Male Lead Time Progression Time Skip University Student/s Vampire Male Lead Vampire Protagonist Vampire/s Web Comic Webtoon Werewolf/ves
Yoru to Futari
Afraid of Commitment Age Gap Countryside Dead Family Member/s Gay Uke Human-Nonhuman Relationship Melancholy Atmosphere Older Seme Younger Uke Reunion/s Vampire/s
Untouchable Lady
49 50 ange in Art Style Abandoned Child/ren Abused Female Lead Abusive Family Member/s Abusive Father Aristocrat/s Based on a Novel Based on a Web Novel Blood-Thirsty Female Lead Cold Female Lead Emotionally Strong Female Lead European Ambience Female Protagonist Immortal Female Lead Kind Male Lead Magic Memories of Past Life Misfortune Multiple Lifes Nobility Older Male Younger Male Past Life/ves Personality Change/s Pink-Haired Female Lead Reincarnated in the Past Revenge Romantic Subplot Slow Romance Special Ability/ies Strong Female Lead Strong Male Lead Sudden Strength Gain Sword and Sorcery Time Loop Time Rewind Trauma Traumatic Past Weak to Strong A Change in Art Style Abandoned Child/ren Abused Female Lead Abusive Family Member/s Abusive Father Aristocrat/s Based on a Novel Based on a Web Novel Blood-Thirsty Female Lead Cold Female Lead Depression Emotionally Strong Female Lead European Ambience Female Protagonist Full Color Immortal Female Lead Kind Male Lead Magic Memories of Past Life Misfortune Multiple Lifes Nobility Older Male Younger Male Past Life/ves Personality Change/s Pink-Haired Female Lead Reincarnated in the Past Revenge Romantic Subplot Slow Romance Smart Female Lead Special Ability/ies Strong Female Lead Strong Male Lead Sudden Strength Gain Sword and Sorcery Time Loop Time Rewind Trauma Traumatic Past Weak to Strong Webtoon
Pupillary Master