Remarried Empress Rd122 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 13-20 22 27-30 33 35-40 41 42 46 47 48 50 53 55 56 58 62-68 70 72 73 74 77 78 79 80-89 90 91 92 94 95 97 98 99 101 102 105 106 108 110 111-117 122 Cry Adapted to Game Animal Transformation Annoying Character/s Arranged Marriage Based on a Web Novel Beautiful Artwork Betrayal Bird/s Calm Female Lead Childhood Friend/s Concubine/s Contract Marriage Divorce Duke/s Egotistic Male Lead Elaborate Art Style Emotionally Strong Female Lead Empress Female Lead Empress/es European Ambience Female Protagonist Femme Fatale Flashbacks Foreigner/s Full Color Handsome Male Lead Idiotic Character/s Infidelity Magic Marriage Marriage of Convenience Married Female Lead Mistress Older Female Younger Male Older Male Younger Female Politics Involving Royalty Polygamy Pregnancy Remarriage Royalty Rumors Secret Identity Slave/s Smart Female Lead Time Skip in First Chapter/Prologue Webtoon
Tyrant's Tranquilizer 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12-19 21 22 25-28 35-39 40-43 45-47 49 50-54 58 59 60-62 66-69 70-77 Cry 28 35 59 Animal Transformation Based on a Web Novel Bird/s Black/Dark Magic Cold Male Lead Contract/s Curse/s Demon Powers Emperor/s European Ambience Father-Daughter Relationship Female Protagonist Full Color Hidden Power/s Isekai Light and Darkness Magic Magic Contract/s Magic Item/s Magic Powers Male Lead Falls in Love First Nobility/Aristocracy Pink-Haired Female Lead Reincarnated as a Side/Mob Character Reincarnated in a Book World Reincarnated in Another World Reincarnation Royalty Scary Male Lead Sealed Demon Sealed Power Seals Secret Identity Sister/s Special Ability/ies Special Technique Special Treatment Strong Male Lead Supporting Character Time Travel Transformation/s Transmigration Trauma Traumatic Past Treatment/s Tyrant/s Webtoon Witch/es
Carrier Falcon Princess