Okay so, I been putting this off for so long but it was so fucking interesting and INSANE. Like I hated all the sa and rape and shit but like it was really interesting seeing all the different dynamics and character stories. It’s not that I’m playing off the fact it’s really stupid how they got over everything like nothing happened or all the bullying and rape and fetishization but for other parts it really was deep and showed a lot about how 90% of them were honestly sociopaths... About everyone was insane.
Of course AGHHH I LOVED MAIN MC AZUSA urghhh he was so cool and I love how he had such a strong personality. He was not at all weak and the fact he stood up for himself was just wonderful like it’s just refreshing to see how even he changed for the better though his strong will didn’t change since. Also!!! It was great to see how he also had a depressive part because no matter how strong one may be even sometimes they don’t have to be always like that (it doesn’t change the fact he was a tough and fierce person). I don’t like main ml but I did like the development with him and mc in how they changed each other for the better but yeah I still don’t like him. ☠️ Even though I don’t like ml much I’d say I don’t HATE him. He was honestly a good (by good i mean well written bc honestly most of them were well written) character on his own with his own personality, seeing as it was intriguing to see how his story unfolded and how he was like half not a bad guy (helping the other target and the photographer x sporty guy couple) and how his pov and life was changed by mc. I still don’t fw like victims falling for their rapists or all that noise just fuck that shit man seriously enough of it.
Atsumu, Azusa, ml’s brother, and the freak girl were my all time favorites and Atsumu and the girl were kinda the ONLY actually sane ones and the girl was so silly I loved her character even if she only had kinda short appearances. Atsumu was just great in general, nice, sweet, cute, and he was just really a wonderful character (and the only one who actually had me down to earth while reading ts only sign of sanity except the fact he chose second ml bc I was still SOO NOT INTO IT when like second ml and first ml made Atsumu and Azusa yk… ) Anyways second ml(I keep forgetting his name like Kuza or something??) hated him that one time with the Azusa and Atsumu thing but he was cute with Atsumu for the most part even if he was (REALLY) weird and off putting (and honestly just horrible at that time) at the beginning. And AGAIN with them all lovely, I don’t like how they just got over it and fell in love ignoring all that… but whatever makes Atsumu happy ig… BUT YEAH ATSUMU WAS SO CUTE!! I especially loved the dynamic with him and Azusa how Azusa is kinda like a tsundere friend to him. AND OFC!! The field trip!! When Azusa hit the guy who ran into Atsumu I was cheering cuz they’re so bffs!!! And when Azusa hugged Atsumu being like “sorry for being an asshole” it was so sweet. I was really happy for Atsumu and how he was happy himself.
THIRD COUPLE!! UGHHH I LOVE THE BROTHER SO MUCH HE WAS LIKE SO REAL BUT LIKE THE TATTOO GUY WHEN HE CAME TO HIS WINDOW OR WTV AND TOLD HIM SOME SHIT I TOTALLY THOUGHT HE KHS OR SOMETHING AND LIKE I LIKED HOW THEY WERE LIKE MATCHING EACH OTHERS FREAKS BUT IT JUST KINDA GOT ABRUPTLY CUT OFF IDK?? Like the whole part barging in through the window and like LOWKEY forcing him but ig I can’t really say that since it was sorta played off by glasses himself because he loved him or yeah??? But still love the glasses guy!!! He was also pretty sane (a little crazy and freaky with delinquent guy) and his own story was interesting. I love how he was honestly SUPER helpful if not the most helpful I loved him smmm <3333
The other side couple sporty guy and photographer they were really cute like I definitely didn’t like how the camera guy went through with the whole Azusa thing but him and his bf or wtv they were really cute and everything and the fact they stuck together and dropped outta the game together was really nice. It goes to show that SOMEHOW in their own they were trying to do things their own way instead of forcing the game’s way on themselves. The side character that I also liked was the skateboard guy with the target brother!!! He was a good addition and a fun guy I would’ve liked to see more of how silly he was skateboarding and how his brother was also strong himself even being a target and overcoming like the whole target thing (when he helped mc).
I don’t know how to feel about Eno and the student council guy I don’t really like either tbh. They (mostly just Eno) had his own deep story which it was great to hear about how he came to be but honestly I didn’t really know how to feel about his end or whatever or even really why he acted like that like I GET IT but with the student council guy it just really wasn’t… Like I know how other people go about trauma other ways and sometimes become perpetrators themselves which was honestly a realistic addition with how fucked up people actually are but he just gave up st the end so it really made me bitter about it all.
I liked how at the end they were each able to grow well each individually AND together. BUT!! I also liked how it was pointed out at the end about the newer kids (generation or wtv) are speaking among themselves about the caste game. It really goes to show more about the human nature. The game itself isn’t the problem it’s the people who indulge in it that ruin themselves. Like history repeats itself or wtv . Idk if I’m digging too deep into it but its really interesting and albeit realistic. I just be yapping cuz ik a lot of people wouldn’t like it or understand it for that aspect (and all the fetishization which I also didn’t like so don’t come for me for that).
In all, the whole Caste Game in general was really interesting (i need to stop using this word so much but idek if anybodys even gonna fucking read this so nobody gaf) with how like it’s a whole bullying hierarchy. When they introduced the game to the delinquent guy they said it was like “fair game for bullying” or something like that. It was just really fascinating with how it depended on how others played it and practically forced themselves into their roles (even if they didn’t like it really) which was great to see mc going against those norms!!!
Caste Heaven