Welcome to the Café of Love
this is my literal favorite yaoi ever lmaoo, like their relationship is so cute, and it was so funny at times too! the artstyle is so cool and i cant wait to see works that this author makes in the future!!
Black Mirror
this was probably one of the weirdest things ive ever read in my life, but it was also so interesting that i couldnt stop lmaoo
Cradle of Imae
good story, pretty art, cute characters; 10/10
Master Of Master
i think this is actually the most well written yaoi with like, an actually interesting story lmaoo
Inner Beauty
i love this story sm!! it's funny and wholesome and the whole soulmate part was so cute! and the fact that they were enemies to lovers lmaoo
BJ alex
dude, this is honestly one of my favorite yaois lol, like even tho jiwon was a total asshole throughout most of the story, it was so refreshing to see him admit that HE was the problem. i always come back to it every now and again to reread bc its just so good lmao
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove