A Man Who Can't Say No
Final Stop
Ch 50 Well the ending sucks, I hope there’s some good extras to fix it
Lazy Man’s Desire Switch
Ch 41 took me a long time to read this one. Just not my thing.
Which Alpha Do You Want to Play With?
Ch 73 I’d kinda run screaming if this was irl Lots of character development
Exotic Love
Side 13 Uke is an absolute bastard, Seme accepts everything just cuz?! Uke’s journey is well written. It rides the line between toxic and a weird codependency but both these dudes are kinda emotionally challenged so it works. Some people are too messed up to have a normal healthy relationship, pretending that they can would make this less appealing. Is it weird that I loved the seme and that having mr violent toddler be the Uke was the best part.
Dear Teddy Bear
Ch 1 messed up murdered his adopted father?Jerks off on his brother’s face while he’s asleep
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace