Omega Complex
Don't Mix Business with Pleasure!
At first seme who reach the uke cause seme's friend ask him about some duty since the uke is a good writer. Seme act all nice towards the uke. While the uke is searching for his main character Next BL story. At first he just see the seme as a "nice main lead material" accidentally heard seme being threatened by someone about her bad past. From there, Uke became interested in Seme and stalked Seme everywhere. Seme even got annoyed with Uke. asked why, uke answered because he likes seme. At first it didn't mean much to Seme, but over time, seeing Uku's gentle attitude, Seme melted and actually liked Uke. even though Uke said he only liked it because he wanted to see Seme's bad side. yep, finally they have sex (ch 24) . In fact, the uke is relaxed, the seme is shy. even though they are both virgins Malah uke nya yg punya karakteristik kek seme , santai aja Si seme malah manja n malu" gtu Tp teeteeeppp.. body goals bgt dong si seme
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
Ch 19 - dibawa pulang ke rumah seme Ama uke karna seme mabok Pas ga sadar karna mabok, seme left hickeys on the neck's of the uke.dipeluk eh Ampe pagi sinuke ketiduran sana Trus kabor Besoknya si seme bilang "hickeys ini aku yg bikin kan?" "Kamu ga akan pura2 lupa LAGI kan? " Trus si uke dicium deh Ch 26 - adu pedang Ch 34 jadian Ch 36 hv sx
Instant Family
First meeting : uke dijual sepupunya ke seme Uke : udah biasa dijual sama sepupunya ke alpha, tp uke no reacting to other alpha's pheromones Seme : jg ga suka sama pheromones other uke Sampe si uke ngalamin heat nya waktu ketemu si seme and yeah they hv sex Eh compatible dong Uke suka pheromones seme , GT jg seme Re-encounter : rupanya si seme pernah tinggal sama keluarga si uke sewaktu keluarga uke masih harmonis dan lengkap After that, mamanya meninggoy , papanya dirawat di RS, makanya uke bersedia dijual sama sepupunya karena uke numpang iduo di keluarga sepupu tsb
Guiding Hazard
Aaaaaakkkk seme gantengggg bgtttt Esper-guide Gentle seme, BS bgt endure the aluring uke when the uke need guide From this story, esper (uke) yg abis gunain powernya have side effect : JD horny JD butuh di-guide. Seme (guide) is a pro bisa endure buat ga nyentuh uke except for guide material pdhl doi dah suka Sama uke Cuma fingering AND NO KISSING ETC ampe di ch 19 baru penetration guide (hv sex) include their first kiss Andddddd the last ch, ch 26 klo ga salah Gantung anjir!!! Seme mo ngasi uke blowjob
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
Ch 38 kiss Ch 44 hv sx. Uke used to be a seme while the seme is straight. Uke effort bgt negotiate buat JD seme with the reason : seme is inexperience hahahaha Huuuuuuuu seme is reallyyyyy handsome ! Stand out! Charming ! Pretty!
Sugar Rain
Uke mirip Ama ex si seme yg udah nikah Sebenernya seme jg ga cintA si cewe (si ex) tp Ama si uke malah suka bg Seme dreams everynight BOUT the uke (at the dream they hv sx) Si seme wealhty bgt dong while si uke babu d mansion si seme SUKAK BGT !!!! MY CUP OF TEA !!!! Seme GANTENG BEUT! Uke first kiss n sex !! At ch 25 THE SEX SCENE IS REALLY MY LIKING!!!!!!! DOKI DOKI !!!!
Cozy Obsession
Si uke masuk ke dalam cerita novel yg abis dia baca (BL reader yg masuk ke novel) Dia dijual gtu, dan bid nya dimenangin Ama si seme Si uke udah tau alur n ending cerita novel (Awalnya alur ceritanya dark tp uke ga mau ngikutin alur itu) (Si uke pinter baca suasana, suka ngomong frontal dan lawak) Yg kagetnya itu, nama dan wajah dia di real life sama Ama yg di novel. Gitu juga Ama nama dan wajah si seme sama Ama nama dan wajah best friend si uke di real life Bagus cerita nyaa AAAAAAKKK NEMU HARTA KARUN ! SUKAKKKKKKKKKKK LUCKY BGT RASANYA KALO NEMU CERITA CERITA BAGUS KEK GINI FRESH SEMENYA JUGA GREEN FLAG kalo di original novel, abis si uke dibeli , seme forced his self to the uke JD si uke ini gamau dong Jadilah dia memandai surang kan a Pas juga didiagnosis klo uke ni punya 2 personality GT So far,, si seme belom ada forced his self towards uke Belom hv sx Udah kissing BAGUS BAGUS BAGUS BAGUS BAGUS BAGUS️️️️️️️ Oia dah baca di batoto Ampe ch 30
The First Commandment
Baru ch 2 Klo fisikly belom ketauan siapa yg seme/uke Tp kayaknya ya : • seme : the dongsaeng, balerina, have beautiful face, maybe an alpha because he said he started seing someone who is an omega Uke : the Hyung, dibenci Ama si uke karna Menurut dia si uke ini a murdere Altough dalem ati si uke bilang klo dia belom pernah bunuh siapapun Scene yg baru keliatan emang si uke ini kerjanya bonyokin org
Romance, But Not Romantic