Natsu no Teppen ni Saku
So cute and short. I’m convinced that yosuke is bi and kouichi is gay.
Tasogare Outfocus
4 stars only cuz it’s soo short. I like how Hisashi started realizing that his ex was a pedo and called him out on that sucks that he got slapped tho. Hisashi’s past sucks but I’m glad that Mao is like his light.
Yoiyoi Monologue
I think they are my favorite couple out of this series. I like how they’re both blunt and the confession scene was just *chefs kiss*. Shion is so me and it’s funny how he thinks he’s hiding who he really is inside but his friends can read him so easily. They both came in with superficial feelings and came out promising to never leave each other and helping the other grow as a person. I love how they are so supportive of each other too.
Replay (Tsukahara saki)
So cute!!! I want to know why Ritsu ended up not wanting to continue baseball tho like he might’ve just participated because of Yuta just like Yuta felt like he could only be the best pitcher if Ritsu was the one catching his balls but like why didn’t y’all both try to go pro or at least Yuta. It seemed that Yuta did get genuine joy out of baseball even when Ritsu wasn’t his catcher. Otherwise vv cute story. The scene of them with their uniforms is my guilty pleasure.
Tiger and Tiger Gourd
They match each others energy I love it. I just wish it were longer showing them living together through university.
Katsuai Monster
I wish they’d dive deeper into the whole maneater thing like wdym they literally eat people when they want. And the infirmary nurse/teacher being one of those people like wtf. He enabled the first main couple to have sex in the school. I’m glad that kubotani got a hit in tho when that blond guy was trying to rape him the the school bathroom. The second story was too short for me to say any thing other than how did the coach even catch feelings for Haru so soon.
Hoppe Ni Himawari